check in freeware downloads
VerCheck Version Change Detector
4.8 freeware downloadWHAT IT IS FOR ************** I used to check over a dozen websites each day to see ... and error prone. VerCheck automates this process by checking the websites of the programs you use to ...
Social Password Dump
7.0 freeware download... penetration testers and forensic investigators. For GUI version check out the Social Password Decryptor. Social Password Dump works on both 32-bit & 64-bit platforms starting ...
Duplicate Attachments Report for Outlook
5.0 freeware downloadThis free report allows you to check Outlook for existence of identical attachments in mailboxes (duplicate attachments). After verification, you will receive a detailed report ...
Duplicate Attachments Report
4.11 freeware downloadThis free report allows you to check Outlook for existence of identical attachments in mailboxes (duplicate attachments). After verification, you will receive a detailed report ...
Actual Bookmarks Scanner freeware download... is a simple and easy to use bookmarks checker. Check all bookmarks of your favorite web browsers in ...
1.55 freeware download... crash information displayed in the blue screen (Bug Check Code and 4 parameters), and the details of the driver or module that possibly caused the ...
1.32.01 freeware downloadDcUpdater is a general purpose update checker that can check for updates for multiple programs and help the ... easy and free way to to add update checking support to your programs. DcUpdater application was ...
RSS Captor Free
3.09 freeware download... news feeds in a searchable database. It can check your feeds automatically and notify you via sound when new items arrive. Watches, a special filtration ...
MeasureIt for Firefox
2.2.0 freeware downloadDraw a ruler across any webpage to check the width, height, or alignment of page elements in pixels. The MeasureIt plugin is a simple little ...
MeasureIt for Chrome
1.1.0 freeware downloadDraw a ruler across any webpage to check the width, height, or alignment of page elements in pixels. The MeasureIt plugin is a simple little ...
Areca Backup
7.5 freeware download... your archives. · Backup simulation : useful to check wether a backup is necessary · User's actions history : Areca keeps an history of all ...
maXbox freeware download... event handler, math lib, printing, drag n'drop, syntax check, code templates, VM-, and DLL support. In 3.0 with internet, debug, CLI and decompile function! Plus ...
Smart Disk Checker freeware downloadSmart Disk Checker is a free software that allows you to check the health of your storage devices (hard disks, ... aims to be the most reliable software to check health status, especially on SSD. Constant work is ...
1.19.1 freeware download... (TNUC for short) is a lightweight application that checks for NVIDIA GPU drivers, written in C-sharp (C#) for Windows. When executed it will check for new driver updates. You can customize TNUC ...
Grid Friendly Monitor
2.0.5 freeware downloadGrid Monitor Viewer is a handy tool that enables you to monitor the power grid's frequency. Now it is very easy to supervise the frequency of ...
0.9.15 freeware download... notifier. It sits in the tray and runs checks on multiple accounts, at a customizable interval, for new messages over the following protocols: IMAP4, Reddit. ...
Notewhal Portable
0.9.15 freeware download... notifier. It sits in the tray and runs checks on multiple accounts, at a customizable interval, for new messages over the following protocols: IMAP4, Reddit. ...
GEDCOM Validator 64-bit freeware downloadGEDCOM Validator 64-bit is a tool for checking a GEDCOM file with the GEDCOM specification. Lots ... transferring information. Now with GEDCOM Validator, you can check your files to see if they adhere to ...
Faders LineUp
1 freeware download... Microsoft Windows Through the LAN network allows to check if all the faders have the correct alignment. E.G: Test if all are right when a ...
OneNote for Win8 UI
freeware download... page - One-click access to to-do lists with check boxes MADE FOR TEAMWORK - Easily share ... lists --- Quickly write up to-do lists with check boxes. Draw and write --- Use your device's ...
DB Sanity
0.9.5 Beta freeware downloadDB Sanity performs checks on a database for verifying data consistency and correctness of application deployments or production data. It is invoked by the command ...
0.58b freeware download... common Unix-based program intended to help system administrators check their system for known rootkits. It is a ... discrepancies. chkrootkit is a tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit. It contains: ...
KeePass Password Safe
2.56 freeware download... have a look at its full source and check whether the encryption algorithms are implemented correctly. Features: * Strong Security * Multiple User ...
1.0 freeware download... some of them small, some not that much. Check out SEOSpyder, let it show you where the mistakes are and fix them before the search ...
Windows 7 Tweaks
2.0 freeware download... to your recently used programs. You need to check the Status first, if the application key is not available it creates the key automatically. Then ...