high level analysis freeware downloads
SmarterStats Free Edition
Build 8761 freeware download... online presence. Google Analytics and other script-based website analysis products only track those pages that have a ... for it. Dig Deep Sometimes a “high level” view isn't’ enough. SmarterStats offers Data Mining, which ...
15 freeware download... database management system (TODBMS OODBMS DBMS) on a high conceptual level. It provides a number of enhanced features based on natural language analysis. Beside the database kernel a number of tools ...
2.11.538 Beta freeware download... designs, because less attention is needed for implementation. Higher productivity, since large pieces of code are generated. Less errors, the simple coding tasks are automated, ...
6.1.1 freeware download... includes hundreds of mathematical functions. It has a high level programming language allowing access to advanced data structures, ... and science applications including mathematical operations and data analysis. * 2-D & 3-D Visualization Graphics functions ...
Acoustica Basic Edition
6.0 B19 freeware download... in mind and offers a large set of high quality processing tools to make your recordings sound ... all of your work comes across at the highest quality. You can create complete chains ...
CrossDJ Free
3.4.0 freeware download... as is, CrossDJ Free has no annoying master level fades, time limits, or updating constraints. There are 2 high precision media players, direct iTunes integration in the ...
Zillya! Scanner freeware download... over 3 million records, the mechanisms of heuristic analysis and demonstrates the high level of malware detection. ...
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool (24.09.202 freeware download... try the Manual Disinfection which performs an in-depth analysis of the computer, then generates a detailed report ... to be scanned, thus restricting the area of analysis, and the time of the scan, but this ...
OpenEV for Windows
1.80 freeware download... interactive frame rates. * Provide a powerful image analysis tool. * Serve as a component in a variety of image analysis applications. Technology OpenGL For high speed ...
OpenEV for Linux
1.80 freeware download... interactive frame rates. * Provide a powerful image analysis tool. * Serve as a component in a variety of image analysis applications. Technology OpenGL For high speed ...
GPXSee for Mac OS X
13.26 freeware download... relies on GPS data for navigation, training, or analysis. One of the standout features of GPXSee ... their needs. GPXSee excels in offering detailed analysis tools. Users can scrutinize their tracks with precision, ...
dbForge Event Profiler for SQL Server
7.0.249 freeware download... and performance of SQL Server environments, especially in high-demand scenarios. Another notable aspect of dbForge Event ... reducing noise and focusing on critical events. This level of customization ensures that users can efficiently diagnose ...