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2.0 freeware download... can: 1. Create a Restore Point on the fly, by clicking the Create Button 2. Restore your Windows PC to ... restore point. Just select a Restore Point from the list and click the Restore Button. This will ...
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1.3.1 freeware downloadThe balance of power in the galaxy is uncertain. Which side do you take ... FREE add-on works with MorphVOX Pro Voice Changer. The add-on has the following characters: Elite Bounty Hunter, ...
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2.10.38 freeware downloadThe Gimp for Windows x64 is the open source reference in image manipulation. This free ... quickly go through what you can do with the Gimp. The painting function has the essential clone, ...
2.0.6 freeware download... free Windows application which provides continuous updates about the state of the California power grid. By utilizing information from the California ISO, PowerAdvisory is able to provide real-time ...
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1.7.0 freeware downloadCaesium reduces the size of your picture up to 90%, preserving the original quality. Caesium allows you to save a lot of space and quickly upload your pictures on the web ...
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Moborobo freeware download... to set a picture on your PC as the background of your phone? Your phone is running ... an easy way to clean up some of the hidden files and programs to free up some ...
Orbit Simulator
11.6 freeware download... satellite orbit simulator with 3-dimensional graphics for observing the orbit tracks in relation to Earth and the Moon. Designed mainly as an educational tool for observing the physics of space flight. It is the companion ...
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6.1.4 freeware download... then suddenly there is almost no free disk space left! But that is only partly true. Most ... two folders at once! All that wasted disk space can be reclaimed by simply deleting duplicate files. ...
1.0 freeware downloadDissy is a powerful disk space visualizer that helps you quickly find files and folders that take up the most disk space and, if necessary, delete them ...
Dissy for Win
1.0 freeware downloadDissy is a powerful disk space visualizer that helps you quickly find files and folders that take up the most disk space and, if necessary, delete them ...
Sci-Fi Voices - MorphVOX Add-on
1.3.1 freeware download... Galactic Adventurer! It's time to blast off with the Science Fiction Voice Pack. This free voice add-on ... changing software, five new Science Fiction voices. From the makers of MorphVOX voice changer, Sci-Fi Voices is ...
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1.4.1 freeware download... for Mac enables you to understand how much space the files and directories consume on your disk drives, ... helps you find obsolete files and folders. The tool analyses your disk drives and collects several ...
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1.4.1 freeware download... for Linux enables you to understand how much space the files and directories consume on your disk drives, ... helps you find obsolete files and folders. The tool analyses your disk drives and collects several ...
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freeware downloadConnect Four is a two-player game in which the players first choose a color and then take turns dropping colored discs from the top into a seven-column, six-row vertically-suspended grid. The ...
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BitPay freeware download... with securing your bitcoin currency in a well-organized space so that even inexperienced users can perform all ... is able to send email notifications, offers you the possibility to use an alternative currency of your ...
Planetarium 3D screensaver
1.0 freeware downloadEverybody who loves to watch the starry shiny sky will definitely enjoy the opportunity to fly around the entire solar system. Planetarium 3D Screensaver gives an ...