program development freeware downloads
Easy Graphic Converter
1.2.7 freeware download... create web image galleries. It a 32-bit software program that runs on Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and ...
Shareaza freeware download... thousands of diverse users, all from one single program. You can download/upload from these networks: EDonkey2000, Gnutella, BitTorrent and Gnutella2 (G2) Download from multiple sources: ...
1.1.25 freeware downloadDocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of files on your computer. — You can think of it ...
DocFetcher for Mac
1.1.25 freeware downloadDocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of files on your computer. — You can think of it ...
2.2.2 freeware download... listen to music in a Winamp-like interface. The program supports all the popular music file formats such as MP3, WAV, MP4, OGG but also MIDI, ...
SwfScan freeware download... an explanation of the problem. And the program also scans for URL's within the code, which may be handy if (for instance) an applet ...
Rand Tree
2.0 freeware downloadRandTree is a MatLab based tree simulator program where the algorithm is based on Honda's model. ... to simulate visually realistic tree structures. This program is designed to generate branching structures with bifurcation ...
Aurora Borealis Draughts Lite
3.6 freeware downloadAurora Borealis is a well-known checkers database program with a built-in playing and analysing module that ... convenient and easy to use. Many years of development has made this program useful and easy to ...
Happytime RTSP Pusher
5.4 freeware downloadHappytime RTSP pusher is an rtsp streaming push program that supports RTP OVER UDP, RTP OVER TCP, ... windows, linux, macos, etc., support cross-compilation, support embedded development, provide live stream stub processing class, embedded developers ...
SimThyr freeware download... of thyrotropic feedback. SimThyr is a simulation program for the pituitary thyroid feedback control that is ... model of the overall system. Applications of this program cover research, including development of hypotheses, and education ...
SimThyr for Mac OS X freeware download... of thyrotropic feedback. SimThyr is a simulation program for the pituitary thyroid feedback control that is ... model of the overall system. Applications of this program cover research, including development of hypotheses, and education ...
PStart freeware download... have an additional start menu with a quick program search feature. Install PStart to your USB ... portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, or even software development suites like Eclipse. ...
Portable PStart freeware download... have an additional start menu with a quick program search feature. Install PStart to your USB ... portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, or even software development suites like Eclipse. ...
48x48 Free Object Icons
2013.1 freeware download... at hand can add significant ease to your development process, but it's also a great way to ... Finding a standard icon set for a basic program is often a fairly simple matter, but more ...
3.0 RC3 freeware download... platform, they are complex to use and to program and the users have a limited exertion of influence on the further development. As a solution, a new platform for ...
1.04 freeware download... roguelike mockups and maps, and for other roguelike development needs. Originally an in-house dev tool used by Grid Sage Games for traditional roguelike development, this software has been made available to other ...
Sailcut CAD
1.3.5 freeware download... visualise your own sail and compute the accurate development of all panels in flat sheets. The original Sailcut was a Basic program developped by Robert Lainé in 1978. The new ...
2.4.33 freeware download... rights suffice to install and to run. The program works in multi-user mode or portable on a ... closed communication circles. A synchronous stream cipher, a development from Germany, delivers a fast encryption. ...
09.157 freeware downloadJMCAD is an program for the modeling and simulation of complex dynamic ... a great platform for model based embedded system development. By combining the simplicity and clarity of ...
Object Oriented C
1.3.3 freeware download... (ooc) kit is for those who want to program in an object orieneted manner, but sticks on ... handling. Ideal for students getting to know OO programming. It can be mainly useful for education ...
OxygenOffice Professional freeware download... for Applications) from Excel documents in Calc (under development) and also you can import Office Open XML (Microsoft Office 2007), Works, WordPerfect files and T602 ...
OxygenOffice Professional (5 in 1) freeware download... for Applications) from Excel documents in Calc (under development) and also you can import Office Open XML (Microsoft Office 2007), Works, WordPerfect files and T602 ...
Visual Studio Code
1.98.1 freeware download... IDE, dedicated to building Web applications and cloud programs. The tool is a lightweight and resembles the ... searching engine allows you to find components, files, programs or any item that matches the name. The ...
Visual Studio Code for Mac OS X
1.90.2 freeware download... IDE, dedicated to building Web applications and cloud programs. The tool is a lightweight and resembles the ... searching engine allows you to find components, files, programs or any item that matches the name. The ...
Visual Studio Code for Linux
1.90.2 freeware download... IDE, dedicated to building Web applications and cloud programs. The tool is a lightweight and resembles the ... searching engine allows you to find components, files, programs or any item that matches the name. The ...