block pornography freeware downloads
Free Porn Blocker
1.0 freeware downloadFree Porn Blocker - a reliable program to protect children from pornographic content on the Internet. Free Porn Blocker - a very simple and intuitive software with ...
SafeDNS Agent freeware download... offer proactive cloud protection for our users including blocking malware and botnets. The users protected by SafeDNS ... center. With SafeDNS free parental control you can block all dangerous and unwanted websites, such as pornography, ...
BlockSmart freeware downloadBlockSmart helps concerned parents prevent their children from accessing ... controlling your family's online activity within minutes. BlockSmart is a simple yet powerful tool designed to ...
1.0.2 freeware downloadFree Windows software for parental control. Block access to websites, applications and ports. What can it do? - Block web sites by selecting from over of 30 ...
DNS Redirector freeware downloadDisplay a blocked page as result of any domain name matched ... spyware, or other malicious software. Save bandwidth by blocking streaming audio/video, large downloads, or questionable material. Restrict ...
Parental Control software review
1.1 freeware download... to the information your children are exposed to. Pornography is frequently visited on the internet, and, unfortunately, ... is really excessive, and it is recommended to block unwanted ones by category, e.g. pornography can be ...
Best monitoring software review
1.1 freeware download... with useful content. Unlimited Internet access, websites containing pornography, abhorrence, aggression, cyber-mobbing, malicious programs like hoax software, ... landscape. The next important aspect is ability to block unwanted sites appearing when playing games, visiting social ...