text code freeware downloads
FBReader for Android
3.0.5 freeware download... of e-book formats: epub, rtf, fb2, html, plain text and (partially) mobipocket. Direct reading from zip archives ... fb2, rtf, html, microsoft doc, rtf, and plain text -book collection, reading positions, and bookmarks can be ...
eMule Plus
1.2e freeware download... the collaboration of all the people sending us code. We also thank the dedication BavarianSnail, bond006, Cax2, ... in PDF format [Aw3] CHANGE: slightly simplified source code distribution for easier compilation {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3] CHANGE: ...
MySQL Workbench
8.0.34 freeware download... with just a few mouse clicks. All SQL code is automatically generated and runs right the first ... normal error-prone process of manually writing complex SQL code. MySQL Workbench also enables you to reverse engineer ...
Visual DataFlex 2009 Personal freeware download... framework and AJAX Library, productivity enhancing wizards and code generators, a robust class library, connectivity for leading ... Design time anchor support, improved breakpoint panel, easier text selection in Code Explorer, a new Go-back option ...
1.54i freeware download... Open Source: · ImageJ and its Java source code are freely available and in the public domain. ... create custom tools using macros. Automatically generate macro code using the command recorder. More than 300 macros ...
ImageJ x64
1.54i freeware download... Source: · ImageJ x64 and its Java source code are freely available and in the public domain. ... create custom tools using macros. Automatically generate macro code using the command recorder. More than 300 macros ...
ImageJ for Mac OS X
1.54i freeware download... Open Source: · ImageJ and its Java source code are freely available and in the public domain. ... create custom tools using macros. Automatically generate macro code using the command recorder. More than 300 macros ...
ImageJ for Linux
1.54i freeware download... Open Source: · ImageJ and its Java source code are freely available and in the public domain. ... create custom tools using macros. Automatically generate macro code using the command recorder. More than 300 macros ...
HeidiSQL freeware download... between two databases * manage user-privileges * import text-files * export table-data as CSV, HTML and XML ... tables * write queries with customizable syntax-highlighting and code-completion * monitor and kill client-processes * connect to ...
Portable RightNote
6.4.2 freeware download... types - including word processing, spreadsheet and source code note types. This allows you to seamlessly include ... notebook. Find it fast! The in-built full text search engine allows you to find what you're ...
1.1.0 freeware download... to display a logo without stretching it). Configurable text box can be displayed below the information text. Supports image formats handled by the .Net framework, ... files. You have access to the c# source code! The authors have (independently) successfully used WPInfo on ...
2.24 freeware download... Best of all, it's free (GPL license, source code available) * Serveral languages are supported ...
1.5.2041.0 freeware download... is further enriched by its support for rich text formatting, file transfers, and multimedia sharing. Users can ... software's commitment to open-source principles means that its code is transparent and regularly audited by the community, ...
System Stability Tester
1.5.1 freeware download... calculated digits of Pi in a human readable text file. # Single threaded calculation of Pi for ... platforms soon after the release of the source code. License System Stability Tester is free and ...
x64 Components Addon
18.4.9 freeware downloadDo you want a portable codec solution without an installer? You came to the ... dropped along with the removal of several deprecated codecs and the SetACL dependency. I hope you enjoy ...
Auto Mail Sender
18.4 freeware download... supportable. # Attachment from local/remote host. # Alternative text. # Embedded resources. # ESMTP authentication. # Secure ... receipt. # Designating read receipt receiver. # Error code & description. # Sending progress supportable. ...
Barcode Generator & Overprinter
6.6.41 freeware download... Barcode Generator supports all the most popular bar code types, the barcode’s data can be import from text or Excel file. Barcode Generator gives you ...
Windows Live Writer 2009
14.0.8089.726 freeware download... Writer provides contextual editing tools to modify size, text wrapping, borders, and apply graphic effects. Writer also allows you specify a smaller thumbnail to that ...
2.0.0 freeware download... for moving undivided attention to teacher * send text-messages to students * powering on/off and rebooting computers per remote * remote logon and logoff and ...
1.44.02 freeware download... added flexibility and freedom of modifying the source code to suit their application. # Customizable ... specify such options as an embedded URL, introduction text, shortcut creation and a custom icon. With ...
NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System)
3.03 freeware download... features like folder creation and registry editing to text/binary file modification, modification of environment variables and system ... the plug-in with a single line of script code. Plug-ins can also be compressed like other installation ...
WhatsApp for PC
2.2509.4.0 freeware download... phone to the desktop app via a QR code, all your messages, media, and contacts are instantly ... to enhance your messaging experience. You can send text messages, voice notes, images, videos, documents, and even ...
Python Operating Environment freeware download... Operating Environment for Python 1) The results from code executed in the four Visral OE's editing PADs ... and paste into a PAD, any selection of code can be run, edited, and then rerun again ...
3.1.6224 freeware download... the match and replace functionality * Highlight matched text in the input data * Test automatically for ... errors * Generate Visual Basic, C#, or C++ code * Save and restore data in a project ...
Dev-C++ Portable
6.3 / 5.11 freeware download... or project. After you have finished writing the code, save the file, debug it, and create an ... variables, thanks to a class browser and a code completion list, but also create a cache of ...