windows.h freeware downloads

zphoto for Windows

1.2 freeware download

What's zphoto? zphoto is a flash-based photo album generator. You can create a flash-based on-line album from photos taken by a digital camera. ...

mpgtx for Windows

1.3 freeware download

mpgtx a command line MPEG audio/video/system file toolbox, that slices and joins audio and video files, including MPEG1, MPEG2 and MP3. mpgtx was designed with ...

Mallet for Windows

2.0.7 freeware download

MALLET is a Java-based package for statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, topic modeling, information extraction, and other machine learning applications to text. MALLET ...

MADARA for Windows

3.0.0 freeware download

MADARA or the Multi-Agent Distributed Adaptive Research Allocation suite is a collection of middleware and tools for real-time system developers. MADARA is composed of several ...

BASS for Windows (x32 bit)

2.4.17 freeware download

BASS is an audio library for use in software on several platforms. Its purpose is to provide developers with powerful and efficient sample, stream (MP3, MP2, ...

JigCell for Windows

7.1.0 freeware download

JigCell is an effort to develop and maintain an open source modeling environment for computational biology. The goal of this project is to support building and ...

PowerBrowse for Windows

3.0.0 freeware download

PowerBrowse IV PowerBrowse IV is an even more powerful WebKit-based browser. It is just as simple, but much more powerful. Here's the part you're waiting ...

Tuner for Windows

1.04 freeware download

A musical instrument strobe tuner with cents and frequency display. With additional features useful for tuning accordions or melodeons. The strobe display may be disabled, if ...

PasswordMaker for Windows

0.7.3 freeware download

A port of the Firefox PasswordMaker plugin to a standalone Java application. A few of the wider screenshots below are blurry due to Google limiting ...

Livid Looper for Windows

1.2 freeware download

Designed to emphasize simplicity and hands-on control, short loops of audio can be sliced and transformed with built-in and VST effects. Gesture and Segment sequencers record ...

Group Explorer for Windows freeware download

Group Explorer is mathematical visualization software for the abstract algebra classroom. It helps the user visualize group theory, builds students' intuition, and enables experimentation with groups. ...

Timetrek for Windows

2.0.6 freeware download

Timetrek - free personal time clock software The ideal time clock software for simple freelance or consulting projects for Mac or PC. Timetrek ...

Pixelfusion for Windows Media Player

3.03 freeware download

Pixelfusion 3.03 is a new technology including Color XD, this enhances digital video, and has taken over 5 years to develop to its current standard. From ...

Kaspersky Password Manager for Windows freeware download

Its unwise to use the same password for multiple accounts but multiple passwords are difficult to remember. We securely store all your passwords, addresses & credit ...

RemindMyMoney for Windows 64

4.0.0 freeware download

With RemindMyMoney you will not miss to pay a bill or to collect a debt!! You can set repeatable reminder with daily, weekly, monthly and yearly ...

Venux Connect for Windows

1.0.31 freeware download

Securely communicate with your Venux contacts with video call, audio call, and chat. You can finally stop worrying about someone eavesdropping on your private conversations. Build ...

SoftMaker FreeOffice for Windows

2016 freeware download

FreeOffice, the friendly and powerful free office suite 'made in Germany', contains everything a good office suite needs: * FreeOffice TextMaker, the feature-rich and powerful word ...

Spelling Beez for Windows

1.0 freeware download

This software was originally part of School-Mom, a DOS children's educational program written by Dr. Andrew Motes, and was written in 1987. It can be used ...

KeyLord for Windows

6 freeware download

KeyLord lets you arrange confidential information (passwords, account numbers, software registration keys etc.) in a tree, search through it and store it in secure encrypted file ...

Moneyspire for Windows

17.0.30 freeware download

Moneyspire is the user-friendly personal finance software that brings your entire personal finances together in one place. Keep track of your bank accounts, credit cards, etc. ...

Gif Maker for Windows

1.0 freeware download will allow you to easily and quickly create awesome GIF images that friends, family, clients and fans will easily enjoy. This GIF maker is a ...

Vivaldi for Windows 32

6.6 freeware download

The Vivaldi browser does not track its users and offers more features than any other modern browser. Steered by Jon von Tetzchner (co-founder of Opera browser), ...

JXCirrus Diary for Windows

4.5.00 freeware download

Life can be very complex. Sometimes you find yourself staring at a 2 page to-do list wondering where to start. JXCirrus Diary makes sense out of ...

JXCirrus Project for Windows

4.0.00 freeware download

roject planning and tracking is hard! Changes creep in, people leave or join the team, work is completed out of order. This is where JXCirrus Project ...

Vectr Windows App

1.5 freeware download

Vectr is a free vector graphic design software. Vectr is collaborative like Google Docs, and runs both in your web browser and on your desktop as ...