calc freeware downloads
LibreOffice for Mac
24.2.4 freeware download... your document production and data processing needs: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base. Support and documentation ... brochures. The only limit is your imagination. Calc tames your numbers and helps with difficult decisions ...
LibreOffice for Linux
24.2.4 freeware download... your document production and data processing needs: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base. Support and documentation ... brochures. The only limit is your imagination. Calc tames your numbers and helps with difficult decisions ...
LibreOffice x64
24.2.4 freeware download... your document production and data processing needs: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base. Support and documentation ... brochures. The only limit is your imagination. Calc tames your numbers and helps with difficult decisions ...
3.3 freeware download... and [Calc] buttons run Snipping Tool, WordPad and Calculator respectively. Comes with an alternative executable for lefthanders. Portable. Writes per-user settings to registry. Open source. ...
UniConv Portable
2.02 freeware downloadThis is a Windows-based program for converting one dimensional unit into another e.g. litres to gallons, feet to cms, pounds to Kgs, square yards to square ...
2.02 freeware downloadThis is a Windows-based program for converting one dimensional unit into another e.g. litres to gallons, feet to cms, pounds to Kgs, square yards to square ...
FreeRapid Downloader
0.9u4 freeware download... importer plugin - easy converting JPG, GIF,... into calc image Import and export options * ... Creator files 89y, 9xy * sending files to calculator directly via TI Connect™ Software or TiLP ...
Prode Valves
1.08 freeware download... isothermal, adiabatic, isentropic flash operations required in multiphase calculations. Prode Valves includes customizable archives with manufacturer's ... Valves supports different graph types, plotted results are calculated at conditions (inlet and outlet pressure and temperature) ...
Sample Rate and BPM Calculator
1.01 freeware downloadThis program is lets you calculate the BPM or sample rate required to change ... down by a number of semitones. It also calculates the BPM or sample rate change required to ...
JAST Another Scrum Tool
1.3 Beta freeware download... Member Import and export product backlog from/to OpenOffice Calc Generating Reports Product Backlog Sprint Estimation Database support for H2 HSQLDB MySQL PostgreSQL LaTeX report generation ...
DTM JDBC Driver List
2012 freeware download... to open by Microsoft Excel or Open Office Calc. There are two output formats: brief and full. The program also can show version of installed ...
Engauge Digitizer for Linux
12.0 freeware download... common software packages such as Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice CALC, gnuplot, gnumeric, MATLAB and Mathematica * Engauge is available for a wide variety of platforms (Linux, ...
Directory List & Print
4.33 freeware download... directly in Word, Excel as well as Writer, Calc and HTML or XML. Directory List & Print Pro can directly be embedded in the context ...
1.2.Free freeware downloadFree program, which allows you to change/replace multiple letters and phrases at a time. It is easy to create and save lists of changes/replacements, so that ...
2.5 freeware download... a flexible and powerful mechanism to define and calculate new design rules and measures of your own, ... to your development practices. Compare designs: · Calculate size metrics deltas to quantify the growth in ...
Alternate Dictionary Portable
3.290 freeware download... application (e.g. MS Excel or Open Office/Libre Office Calc). Running in background the program can watch the clipboard and show a translation for the matching ...