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... Manual-pointing mounts (ex: barndoor, poncet platforms, "polar axis", threaded-rod driven mounts), "meridian-flip" mounts (ex: GEM or cross-axis), ... non-periodic error correction systems). With NPEC, the entire threaded rod can be "trained", enabling the use of ...

dlib C++ library

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... are regularly spaced in time Thread specific data Threaded objects Threaded functions A thread_pool with support for futures Networking ...

XanaNews freeware download

... Support for Multiple News (NNTP) Servers. * Multiple threaded engine. Supports three threads per news server so ... message headers and messages for multiple servers. * Threaded multicolumn tree message display. Display messages in thread ...


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MUSCLE is a robust, somewhat scalable, cross-platform client-server messaging system for dynamic distributed applications that runs under any POSIX-compliant operating system. MUSCLE has been developed, used, ...


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FractalNow provides users with tools to generate pictures of various types of fractals quickly and easily. It is made of both a command line (FractalNow) and ...


5.9.9_R21_b2108 freeware download

BMDFM (Binary Modular DataFlow Machine) is software, which enables running an application in parallel on shared memory symmetric multiprocessors (SMP) using the multiple processor cores to ...

3DMark06 Basic Edition

1.2.1 freeware download

3DMark06 is a PC benchmark suite designed to test the DirectX9 performance of your graphics card. 3DMark06 is a DirectX 9 video card benchmark test ...


1.2.0 freeware download

Avogadro is an advanced molecular editor designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science and related areas. It offers a flexible rendering ...

Database Workbench Lite for MySQL freeware download

Database Workbench offers features not found in vendor tools and is a fast performing native Windows tool. FEATURES: InterBase Support: · InterBase 5.5 and ...


3.00 freeware download

FileSieve is an application created to help with the sorting of files and directories. Select the directories you would like to sort, choose a sorting method, ...

Stream Armor

4.1 freeware download

... system. Main Features of StreamArmor * Fast, multi threaded ADS scanner to quickly and recursively scan entire computer or drive or just a folder. * ...

JRuby freeware download

JRuby, developed by The JRuby Team, is a robust and versatile implementation of the Ruby programming language atop the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This innovative software ...


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TinkerCell is a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tool for synthetic biology. Since synthetic biology is a rapidly evolving field, here are the issues which were taken into ...

BitNami WAMPStack

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BitNami WAMPStack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of PHP applications. It includes ready-to-run versions of Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin and required dependencies. It can ...


5.2.2 freeware download

... is MSVCRT.DLL, the Microsoft C runtime library. Additionally, threaded applications must ship with a freely distributable thread support DLL, provided as part of MinGW itself). ...


2.24 freeware download

Open3DQSAR is an open-source tool aimed at pharmacophore exploration by high-throughput chemometric analysis of molecular interaction fields (MIFs). Open3DQSAR can generate steric potential, electron density and ...

Open3DQSAR x64

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Open3DQSAR x64 is an open-source tool aimed at pharmacophore exploration by high-throughput chemometric analysis of molecular interaction fields (MIFs). Open3DQSAR can generate steric potential, electron density ...

Open3DQSAR for Linux

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Open3DQSAR is an open-source tool aimed at pharmacophore exploration by high-throughput chemometric analysis of molecular interaction fields (MIFs). Open3DQSAR can generate steric potential, electron density and ...

Open3DQSAR for Mac OS X

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Open3DQSAR is an open-source tool aimed at pharmacophore exploration by high-throughput chemometric analysis of molecular interaction fields (MIFs). Open3DQSAR can generate steric potential, electron density and ...

Database Workbench Lite for InterBase freeware download

Database Workbench offers features not found in vendor tools and is a fast performing native Windows tool. FEATURES: InterBase Support: · InterBase 5.5 and ...

Database Workbench Lite for Firebird freeware download

Database Workbench offers features not found in vendor tools and is a fast performing native Windows tool. FEATURES: InterBase Support: · InterBase 5.5 and ...

VidCoder x64

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The VidCoder x64 application was developed to be a DVD ripping and video transcoding program for Windows. It uses HandBrake as its encoding engine. Calling ...

SQLyog Community Edition

13.1.5 freeware download

SQLyog MySQL GUI is the most powerful MySQL manager and admin tool, combining the features of MySQL Administrator, phpMyAdmin and other MySQL Front Ends and MySQL ...

nProbe for Linux

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Many people are aware that not all the available NetFlow probes are scalable. nProbe has been designed to keep up with Gigabit speeds on commodity hardware. ...

primesieve x64

12.3 freeware download

primesieve x64 uses the segmented sieve of Eratosthenes with wheel factorization, this algorithm has a complexity of operations and uses space. Segmentation is currently the ...