java file freeware downloads
Morphing Editor
1.1 freeware download... Morphing project. - Save the HD .mp4 video file. The author: homepage ...
11.4.29 freeware download... mozilla-based browsers: this free, open source add-on allows JavaScript, Java and Flash and other plugins to be executed ... an extension for Mozilla Firefox, designed to prevent JavaScript and Flash scripts from being executed by your ...
2.4 freeware downloadSteadyCrypt is a java-based open source encryption tool for quickly encrypting confidential files to prevent unauthorized usage. As far as features, ... encrypted containers, will find it useful. Being a java-based application, it can work on any OS platform ...
SteadyCrypt for Mac OS X
2.4 freeware downloadSteadyCrypt is a java-based open source encryption tool for quickly encrypting confidential files to prevent unauthorized usage. As far as features, ... encrypted containers, will find it useful. Being a java-based application, it can work on any OS platform ...
2.2 freeware download... wished there was an easy way to rename files or directories quickly without having to struggle with ... RenameWand is a simple command-line utility for renaming files or directories using an intuitive but powerful syntax ...
3.5 freeware download... is a light and user-friendly editor for the Java programming language. Many others tools exist to write Java code, but they are often heavy weight IDE ...
Conversion Amanuensis
5.5 freeware download... how to convert any of the 17 basic Java types into any of the other. Conversion Amanuensis as your side whenever you need Java code to convert anything to anything else. Runs ...
freeware downloadJazsync is Java implementation of synchronization utility Zsync. This project is part of bachelor thesis. ...
4.8.0 freeware download... allows you to extend Mac OS X's native file handling capabilities via 3rd-party file systems. It is used as a software building ... software package will let you use any 3rd-party file system written atop MacFUSE. As a developer, ...
1.54i freeware downloadImageJ is an interesting Java based image processing application inspired by NIH Image ... a downloadable application, on any computer with a Java 1.1 or later virtual machine. It can display, ...
ImageJ for Mac OS X
1.54i freeware downloadImageJ is an intersting Java based image processing application inspired by NIH Image ... a downloadable application, on any computer with a Java 1.1 or later virtual machine. It can display, ...
ImageJ for Linux
1.54i freeware downloadImageJ is an intersting Java based image processing application inspired by NIH Image ... a downloadable application, on any computer with a Java 1.1 or later virtual machine. It can display, ...
1.60-pre3 freeware download... JFtp all about? JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its ... other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs, includes many advanced ...
7.8 freeware download... domains/countries, OS busiest times, robot visits, type of files, search engines/keywords used, visits duration, screen size, HTTP ... or your scheduler. It uses a partial information file to be able to process large log files, ...
1.1.44 freeware downloadFor most people, BiGZiP is a FREE Java based compression utility. It does what other programs do but in a Java Environment, so no matter what your OS is, ...
Phex freeware downloadPhex is a free file sharing program running on the Gnutella Network. Additionally to plain worldwide searching, downloading and sharing files, it enables you to * create private ...
2.31.0 freeware downloadWebFileSys is a web based file manager and web picture album. It runs as a standard Java webapplication in any servlet container. Although WebFileSys is a platform-independent Java application, it offers most functions that file managers ...
1.0 freeware downloadReplaces a delimited chunk of text in a file with a delimited chunk of text in another file. You could think of it as copying part ...
1.1 freeware download... current directory tree for instances of the specified file or wildcard and tells you where it found them, their sizes and their file dates. It is like TakeCommand ffind command, except ...
1.6 freeware downloadReplaces a delimited chunk of text in a file with a delimited chunk of text in another file. You could think of it as copying part ...
AAAdvanced Applet Suite
1.1 freeware downloadCreate cool and exciting java projects in seconds with the amazing Advanced Applet ... o Scratch and Win Gameso Vertical and Horizontal Java Menuso Professional Image FX/Banner FX o Crossword Games ...
0.15 freeware downloadGrapeRDP is java RDP client to connect to another computer over ... GrapeRDP works on Linux, Windows, Mac and other Java enabled systems. Features of the terminal client: - ...
DuMP3 for Linux GTK PPC
0.3.2 freeware downloadDuMP3 (derived from Duplicate MP3) is a Java program to find any duplicate or similar file. It finds files by calculating a fingerprint based on the image, ...
SFTP Connector
1.0.4485.0 freeware downloadQuick And Easy Connections To Automate Secure File Transfer. SFTP Connector is a secure managed file transfer solution empowering organizations to manage and govern secure business messaging and file transfer. Secure Managed File Transfer Features: ...
5.5.2935 freeware download... is a full featured HTML editor (written in JAVA) with an internal browser "Instant View" mode shows ... offers development of HTML, frames, CGI, Perl, C++, Java and Javascript with many intelligent tools and functions, ...