freeware freeware in Network & Internet downloads

Copernic Agent Basic

6.20 freeware download

Make every Web search a super-search with this intelligent search software, trusted by more than 30 million users worldwide. Copernic Agent Basic queries leading search engines ...

WOT for Firefox

20200329 freeware download

WOT is a free Internet security addon for your browser. It will keep you safe from online scams, identity theft, spyware, spam, viruses and unreliable shopping ...

WOT for Internet Explorer

20130902 freeware download

WOT is a free Internet security addon for your browser. It will keep you safe from online scams, identity theft, spyware, spam, viruses and unreliable shopping ...


1.6.5 freeware download

ApexDC++ is a StrongDC++ modification that will provide extra features, customisation, improved interface and much more! The program does not contain any malware and is actively ...


4.1.3 freeware download

WinPcap is the industry-standard tool for link-layer network access in Windows environments: it allows applications to capture and transmit network packets bypassing the protocol stack, and ...

TVGuide freeware download

TVG is a Windows (XP, Vista) program to display and search television show listings downloaded with XMLTV which, for North America, requires a subscription to Schedules ...

uTorrent Portable

3.6.0 B46896 freeware download

µTorrent is the world's most popular BitTorrent client. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS ...

Opera for Mac

102.0.4880.51 freeware download

The Opera Web browser showcases a sleek design coupled with our new Opera Turbo technology, which keeps Web pages loading quickly even if your connection slows ...


2.3.1 freeware download

Mule stands for all-platform Mule. aMule is an eMule-like client for the eD2k and Kademlia networks, supporting multiple platforms. Currently aMule (officially) supports a ...

Firefox 4.0 Mockup Theme

v0.6.2 freeware download

There are many Firefox 4 mockup themes floating around the internet. Firefox user Spewboy got inspired by some and made a whole new theme which mimics ...

Portable Simple Port Forwarding

3.8.5 freeware download

Simple Port Forwarding works with WebPages and not directly with your router. Making it a safe program to use. Its no different than using Firefox, IE ...

Firefox 4

128.0 / 129.0b1 Beta freeware download

Mozilla Firefox is a robust, open-source web browser that has been a cornerstone of internet navigation since its inception. Developed by Mozilla, a non-profit organization dedicated ...

Adobe Flash Player 10 for 64-bit Linux

Preview 2 freeware download

Adobe® Flash® Player "Square" is a preview release that enables native 64-bit support on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows operating systems, as well as enhanced support ...


freeware download

Skyfire is a downloadable, free mobile browser that gives you a Web browsing experience exactly like PC browsing. For the first time ever, on ...

BitNami WordPress Stack

5.9-0 freeware download

BitNami WordPress stack is an easy-to-install distribution of the WordPress blogging software. The application includes ready-to-run, pre-configured versions of MySQL, Apache and PP so you can ...

BitNami WordPress Stack for Linux

5.9-0 freeware download

Bitnami WordPress Stack is an open source and easy-to-install distribution of the WordPress blogging software, as well as of all its dependencies. The application includes ready-to-run, ...

BitNami WordPress Stack for Mac OS X

5.9.0-13 freeware download

BitNami WordPress stack is an easy-to-install distribution of the WordPress blogging software. Bitnami WordPress is an open source, standards-compliant, fast, light and free personal publishing platform. ...

Chromin Frame freeware download

Chromin Frame places the tab bar at the top of window, and replace the title bar and window frame bringing it closer to the Chrome look. ...


1.2.0 freeware download

easyMule is a free and open-source P2P software to share resources, By the easyMule, we can use all the world's computers and servers integrated into a ...


3.5 freeware download

OperaTor is a portable software bundle which allows you to browse the web anonymously. It combines the power of the Opera Browser, Tor and Polipo. ...


5.0.1 freeware download

Zattoo application was designed to be a program that does not need complements or complex requisites to offer good and free TV. You will be able ...

SmarterStats Free Edition

Build 8761 freeware download

SmarterStats offers true web log analytics to provide a complete understanding of the popularity and performance of your online presence. Google Analytics and other script-based website ...

Simplify Media freeware download

Enjoy all your music and photos while away from home. Explore media from friends and family while they are online. Just sign in, invite your colleagues ...

ConnectionMonitor freeware download

ConnectionMonitor is a small utility to ping a number of hosts at regular intervals. It can be set to check many hosts individualy with a customisable ...

iFolder freeware download

iFolder is a simple and secure storage solution that can increase your productivity by enabling you to back up, access and manage your personal files-from anywhere, ...