data x64 freeware downloads
Ghostscript (x64 bit)
10.03.1 freeware downloadWelcome to Ghostscript for Windows x64, an interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF. Ghostscript for Windows x64 is a package of software that provides: ...
Spamihilator Portable (x64 bit)
1.6.0 freeware download... The program will encrypt all incoming and outgoing data. This will prevent others from stealing your passwords or reading your personal email. Usability ...
NK2Edit x64
3.46 freeware download... can help you. When you run NK2Edit x64, it automatically detect the .NK2 file of your ... the desired NK2 to open. The NK2Edit x64 application can work in 2 edit modes: - ...
Prey x64
1.12.9 freeware download... email or Facebook account! Keep your data safe Hide your Outlook or Thunderbird data and optionally remove your stored passwords, so no ...
Hash Codes x64
1.62.780.7200 freeware downloadHash Codes x64 is a simple and easy to use application designed to enable users to hash data from keyboard, file or CD/DVD. This tool supports: ...
SysExporter x64
1.77 freeware downloadSysExporter utility allows you to grab the data stored in standard list-views, tree-views, list boxes, combo ... XML file. Here's some examples for data that you can export with SysExporter: The files ...
Weka x64
3.8.6 freeware downloadWeka x64 packahe provides a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can either be applied directly to a dataset or called from your own Java code. ...
SCIRun x64
4.7 freeware download... that make use of NIH/NCRR CIBC software or data sets. ...
Rocket Propulsion Analysis Lite x64
1.2.0 freeware download... chemical species library based on NASA Glenn thermodynamic database and Gurvich thermodynamic database, that includes data for numerous fuels and oxidizers, such as liquid ... or import components from PROPEP or CEA2 species databases. By providing a few engine parameters such ...
PSPP x64
1.6.2 freeware downloadPSPP x64 is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It is a Free replacement for the proprietary ... supports is in the core package. PSPP x64 can perform descriptive statistics, T-tests, linear regression and ...
RElim x64
4.4 freeware download... work without prefix trees or any other complicated data structures. The main strength of this algorithm is ... but even outperforms apriori and eclat on some data sets), but the simplicity of its structure. Basically ...
uDig x64
1.4.0 freeware downloaduDig x64 is an open source (LGPL) desktop application framework, ... with Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) technology. uDig x64 can be used as a stand-alone application. uDig ...
JFTP x64
5.0.1 B20120623 freeware downloadJFTP x64 is a graphical FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client ... over TCP/IP networks such as Internet. JFTP x64 can connect to any system that has a ...
WhatIsHang x64
1.27 freeware download... displayed in WhatIsHang's report, like Call Stack, Stack Data, Processor Registers, and Memory Data is designed for users with Windows programming knowledge. ...
SoundVolumeView x64
2.45 freeware downloadSoundVolumeView is a simple tool for Windows Vista/7/8/10/2008 that displays general information and current volume level for all active sound components on your system, and allows ...
SQLyog Community Edition x64
13.2.1 freeware downloadSQLyog MySQL GUI x64 is the most powerful MySQL manager and admin ... access to MySQL is disallowed! · Protect your data with SSL encryption · smart AutoComplete · Formats ...
Peach x64
3.1.124 freeware downloadPeach x64 is a SmartFuzzer that is capable of performing both generation and mutation based fuzzing. Peach x64 requires the creation of PeachPit files that define ...
HDFView x64
3.3.2 freeware downloadThe HDFView x64 is a Java-based tool for browsing and editing NCSA HDF4 and HDF5 files. HDFView x64 allows users to browse through any HDF4 and ...
ooRexx x64
4.2.0 freeware downloadOpen Object Rexx (ooRexx) x64 is an Open Source project managed by Rexx ... implementation of Object Rexx. Open Object Rexx x64 includes features typical of an object-oriented language, such ...
Matrex x64
2.2 freeware downloadMatrex x64 is an easy to use vectorial spreadsheet. It ... better than usual spreadsheets when working with big data amounts coming from databases, files, network. It is ...
MKVCleaver x64 freeware downloadMKVcleaver x64 is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for mkvtoolnix, designed to extract data from MKV files. It can be used in a batch mode (loading and extracting data from many files) as well as single file ...
Funambol x64
10.0.3 freeware downloadFunambol x64 is a free internet cloud based solution that ... with the server. So, what can Funambol x64 do for our specific purpose of syncing Outlook ...
VSUsbLogon x64
1.13.3 freeware downloadVSUsbLogon x64 allows to login Windows in a secure way ... USB device has been connected. VSUsbLogon x64 supports USB HDD, USB flash drives and other ...
OpenMW x64
0.45.0 freeware downloadOpenMW x64 is a new engine for 2002's Game of ... functionality. You will still need the original game data to play OpenMW. OpenMW will run on Windows, ...
Argyll x64
3.2.0 freeware downloadArgyll CMS x64 is an ICC compatible color management system, available ... calibration standards and 3dLuts. Spectral sample data is supported, allowing a selection of illuminants observer ...