backing band freeware downloads
ChordPulse Lite
2.0 freeware download... enjoy playing along with. In contrast to mp3 backing tracks, midi files or play along CDs, here you can customize your backing tracks to fit your needs. You can change ...
ChordPulse Player
1.3 freeware downloadJam along with ChordPulse backing tracks with this free player. Playback any jam ... over accompaniment tracks. In contrast to static mp3 backing tracks, midi files or a play-along CD, here ...
3.1.7 freeware download... manage authors, search through songs and even add backing tracks to songs for when your band is on holiday. Media Integration with VLC ...
OpenLP for Mac OS X
3.1.2 freeware download... manage authors, search through songs and even add backing tracks to songs for when your band is on holiday. Media Integration with VLC ...
OpenLP for Linux
3.1.2 freeware download... manage authors, search through songs and even add backing tracks to songs for when your band is on holiday. Media Integration with VLC ...