registry file freeware downloads
Portable Wise Registry Cleaner
11.1.5 B720 freeware downloadWise Registry Cleaner free is a powerful free registry cleaner and registry optimizer, it speeds up your PC by cleaning your Windows Registry. The Pro version help you improve your PC’s ...
File Association Fixer
2.0 freeware download... you find that you cannot open a particular file type, then our File Association Fixer v2 for Windows 10/8/7 will be ... help you fix, repair and restore the broken file associations. Broken file associations, are typically caused due ...
Mz Registry Optimizer
3.1.0 freeware downloadOver time data becomes scattered within the registry file and when information is deleted from the registry, holes are left which fragment the data within the registry. Mz Registry Optimizer, optimizes your registry by removing ...
Eusing Free Registry Cleaner
4.8 Build 20241219 freeware downloadEusing Free Registry Cleaner, developed by Eusing Software, is a robust ... utility designed to optimize and maintain the Windows registry. This essential tool aims to enhance system performance ...
Registrar Registry Manager Lite
9.20 freeware downloadRegistrar Registry Manager offers a very complete and safe solution to administrators and power users for maintaining the registry on both their desktops and remote computers on ...
Argente - Registry Cleaner freeware download... run slow, is the fact that the Windows Registry is experimenting some problems, and is sending you ... many programs to clean and fix your Windows Registry in an easy way, but not all of ...
AML Registry Cleaner
4.6 freeware downloadAML Free Registry Cleaner is Registry-cleaning software. It will safely clean and repair Windows Registry problems with a few clicks and enable you ... enjoy a cleaner and more efficient PC. The Registry is the nerve center of your PC, and ...
Windows Registry Recovery
3.1.2 freeware downloadThis application allows to read files containing Windows 9x,NT,2K,XP,2K3,7,8 and 10 registry hives. It extracts many useful information about configuration and windows installation settings of host machine. Registry hive can be exported into REGEDIT4 format. ...
PCTuneUp Free Registry Cleaner
5.1.7 freeware downloadThe Registry is where the operating system stores computer's device and file associations, as well as critical information about drivers, ... applications and more. But over time, your computer's registry will become bloated and even corrupted with obsolete ...
Action1 File and Folder Reporting
2.6 freeware downloadAction1 File and Folder Reporting is a free tool that ... allows you to search your entire network for files and folders by name, path, size, type and ...
MJ Registry Watcher freeware downloadMJ Registry Watcher, developed by Mark Jacobs, is a robust ... safeguard your Windows operating system by monitoring critical registry keys and system files. This lightweight application is ...
TweakNow RegCleaner
1.0.1 freeware download... Now available for Windows 10/11. The Registry is a heart and soul of any Windows ... and how it behaves. Most applications today use registry to store configuration and other important data. When ...
6.3.7 freeware download... for Windows. Moreover, WinSCP is a powerful universal file manager that will improve your productivity. WinSCP can copy files between a local and remote computer using multiple ...
4.10.4 freeware downloadRegmagiK is advanced Windows Registry editor. Familiar user interface with unique enhancements like fast search, drag and drop, desktop shortcuts to registry keys, address bar with autocomplete, automatic smart recognition ...
1.1 freeware downloadRegxx is a Registry Consol Tool for user who have to modify registry. Network Administrator can use it in a batch file to modify registry. Programmer can add this to ...
2.25a freeware downloadReg2exe opens Reg-files and "creates" a exe file which will, when executed, import all settings whithin ... reg-file to the windows regestry. See included readme file for more information. If you don't know what ...
2.0.0 freeware downloadIf you doubleclick on a jar file, and your Java application does not start, your ... the Java Runtime Environment the first time, the file type called "jar" is assigned to javaw.exe correctly. ...
7 Quick Fix
1.0 freeware download... want to enable the Task Manager or the Registry Editor so you can fight the virus back, or when some new installation changed your Windows ...
4.7 freeware downloadThe ultimate Registry and Cleaning tool for Windows is now available ... toolbox for your Windows. It includes a powerful registry search and cleaner tool. Take full control of ...
Portable RegSeeker
4.7 freeware downloadThe ultimate Registry and Cleaning tool for Windows is now available ... toolbox for your Windows. It includes a powerful registry search and cleaner tool. Take full control of ...
2.75 freeware download... small utility that allows you to scan the Registry, find the desired Registry values that match to the specified search criteria, ... display them in one list. After finding the Registry values, you can easily jump to the right ...
DiffView freeware download... a given program: Make a diff into files (you can select folders to analyze in a ... give you a list of modified and created files within the specified range (in minutes) Make a ...
EasyCleaner freeware download... is a small program which searches the Windows registry for entries that are pointing nowhere. EasyCleaner also lets you delete all kinds of unnecessary files such as temps and backups. You can search ...
2.3.5 freeware downloadCopiaris is professional grade file copy, backup, file verisoning and automation tool with Unicode support. Designed for setting up fool proof click-to-run or unattended file copy scenarios. File copy features: Volume Shadow Services ...
1.37 freeware downloadCleanAfterMe allows you to easily clean files and Registry entries that are automatically created by the Windows ... cookies/history/cache/passwords of Internet Explorer, the 'Recent' folder, the Registry entries that record the last opened files, the ...