alternatetools freeware downloads

Alternate Calculator

3.880 freeware download

**Alternate Calculator by AlternateTools: A Comprehensive Review** Alternate Calculator, developed by AlternateTools, is a versatile and user-friendly software designed to ... global audience. This inclusivity is a testament to AlternateTools' commitment to providing a universally usable product. ...

New Version

Alternate Pic View Lite

3.500 freeware download

Alternate Pic View Lite, developed by AlternateTools, is a streamlined and efficient image viewer designed ... In summary, Alternate Pic View Lite by AlternateTools is a robust and efficient image viewer that ...

Alternate Password DB

3.590 freeware download

Alternate Password DB by AlternateTools is a robust and user-friendly password management solution ... management. In summary, Alternate Password DB by AlternateTools is a reliable and efficient password management solution ...

Alternate Directory

4.330 freeware download

Alternate Directory, developed by AlternateTools, is a robust utility designed to streamline and ... to finish. In summary, Alternate Directory by AlternateTools is a practical and efficient solution for anyone ...

Alternate Pic View

3.500 freeware download

Alternate Pic View, developed by AlternateTools, is an intuitive and versatile image viewer and ... commitment. In summary, Alternate Pic View by AlternateTools is a powerful and user-friendly image viewer and ...

Alternate FTP

3.220 freeware download

Alternate FTP, developed by AlternateTools, is a straightforward and efficient file transfer protocol ... FTP management. In summary, Alternate FTP by AlternateTools is a practical and efficient choice for anyone ...

Alternate Firebird Copy

1.610 freeware download

A program to copy tables within two firebird or interbase databases. Column count and order may differ! ...

Alternate Quick Audio

2.210 freeware download

Alternate Quick Audio is an application that will help you easily record WAVs or MP3s. Alternate Quick Audio includes an audio converter, which supports several audio ...

Alternate Timer

4.780 freeware download

Alternate Timer is an application to protocol any timing (work, internet etc.). Timetables will be created monthly. It is possible to create a overview table that ...

Alternate Task Manager

3.330 freeware download

This program shows a list of all running processes of the current system, which may be refreshed by a customizable interval. It is also possible to ...

Alternate Text Browser

4.060 freeware download

This program makes it easy to browse through text- and html-files (also xml), syntax highlighting for serveral programming languages available (C++, Pascal, PHP, Perl etc.). It ...

Alternate File Move

2.520 freeware download

A simple program for synchronization (or mirroring) of the content of two folders. To achive this, the amount of necessary file operations is reduced to a ...

Alternate Dictionary

3.370 freeware download

Alternate Dictionary, developed by AlternateTools, is a versatile software solution designed to cater ... excellent choice. In conclusion, Alternate Dictionary by AlternateTools is a powerful and adaptable software solution that ...

Alternate Shutdown

1.570 freeware download

Alternate Shutdown, developed by AlternateTools, is a versatile utility designed to streamline the ... management tool. In conclusion, Alternate Shutdown by AlternateTools is a practical and efficient solution for managing ...

Alternate Archiver

4.600 freeware download

Alternate Archiver, developed by AlternateTools, is a versatile file management solution designed to streamline the organization and archiving of digital content. This software is tailored ...

DLL Analyzer

2.120 freeware download

DLL Analyzer allows you to load the resources included in a DLL file in order to view the names of the included functions. It allows developers ...

Alternate Chord

1.920 freeware download

A program designed to exercise guitar chords and guitar scales. It already includes a variety of chords in several gripping positions and some scales (Major scale, ...

Alternate ConsumptionCalc

1.840 freeware download

A simple program for capturing meter readings or consumption values. The data is captured for each month. Up to 8 values can be combined in one ...

Alternate File Shredder

3.010 freeware download

This program offers the possibility to finally delete files and/or folders (no recovery possible). The program also can overwrite the free space on a drive, which ...

Alternate Font Sizer

1.600 freeware download

A simple program to adjust the desktop font sizes of Windows 10 since Fall Creators update without scaling the display. The program needs the .NET-framework 2.0 ...

Alternate Pic View Portable

3.460 freeware download

The portable version of Alternate Pic View. This version doesn't need to be installed - so it is not bound to a single computer. It can ...

Alternate Task Manager Portable

3.330 freeware download

The portable version of Alternate Task Manager. This version doesn't need to be installed - so it is not bound to a single computer. It can ...

Alternate Archiver Portable

4.540 freeware download

The portable version of Alternate Archiver. This version doesn't need to be installed - so it is not bound to a single computer. It can be ...

Alternate EXE Packer

2.720 freeware download

This program is able to compress executable files (type EXE) or DLL-files. Already compressed files may also be decompressed with this program. There exist 12 different ...

Alternate Splitter

2.010 freeware download

A program which allows to split files into several files with the same size - to copy the to several media devices. The program is also ...