.dll freeware downloads
MediaInfo for Mac OS X
24.05.1 freeware downloadMediaInfo for Mac OS X is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. What information ...
4.0.0 freeware downloadASAP is a player of 8-bit Atari music for modern computers. It emulates the POKEY sound chip and the 6502 processor. The project was initially based ...
wxDEV-C++ freeware downloadwxDev-C++ is a free integrated development environment (IDE) that is based on the popular Dev-C++. There are various features not found in the original Dev-C++. One ...
2.25a freeware downloadReg2exe opens Reg-files and "creates" a exe file which will, when executed, import all settings whithin this reg-file to the windows regestry. See included readme file ...
3.4.2 freeware downloadhaXe (pronounced as hex) is an open source programming language. While most other languages are bound to their own platform (Java to the JVM, C# to ...
haXe for Mac OS X
3.4.2 freeware downloadhaXe (pronounced as hex) is an open source programming language. While most other languages are bound to their own platform (Java to the JVM, C# to ...
haXe for Linux
3.4.2 freeware downloadhaXe (pronounced as hex) is an open source programming language. While most other languages are bound to their own platform (Java to the JVM, C# to ...
MediaInfo (x64bit)
24.05.1 freeware downloadWhat is MediaInfo for Windows x64? MediaInfo supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file. It is free software (free of charge ...
maXbox freeware downloadmaXbox is a scripter tool and inbuilt delphi engine in one exe! It is designed for teaching, test and prototyping and runs under Windows and Linux ...
LAME DirectShow Filter
3.99.5 freeware downloadDirectShow is a much more advanced multimedia framework that allows several filters to be chained. In that fashion, one can easily create a chain that will ...
Advanced System Optimizer
3.81.8181.234 freeware downloadThe Advance System Optimizer application was designed to be the easiest and most comprehensive way to keep your PC running smooth and error free. · ...
1.22 freeware downloadRTMPDumpHelper is a small utility that can help you to easily download RTMP video/audio streams. By combining this utility and the proxy server of RTMPDump toolkit, ...
Structured Storage Viewer
4.1.2 freeware downloadThis tool allows to completely manage any MS OLE Structured Storage based file. You can save and load streams, add, delete, rename and edit items and ...
Freeware .NET Obfuscator Skater Light
8.8.3 freeware downloadRustemSoft presents Freeware Light Edition of well-known Skater .NET Obfuscator, an obfuscation tool for .NET code protection. The Light Edition is the Free version of Skater ...
2.3.1 freeware download... This program is stand alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required (If using setup executable, one registry key is added to the ...
1.2.2 freeware download... This program is stand alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required (If using setup executable, one registry key is added to the ...
Portable Scribus freeware downloadWhat is it? Portable Scribus is a portable standalone version of an open source page maker/desktop publishing tool called Scribus. With it, you can create ...
5.2.2 freeware downloadMinGW, a contraction of "Minimalist GNU for Windows", is a minimalist development environment for native Microsoft Windows applications. MinGW provides a complete Open Source programming ...
TSpectrum3D freeware download... and the least you get is the standalone .dll version. All of these components are refered to ... and VC++ API header files included for the .dll version. ...
KbdKaz 500 US
1.4 freeware download... is a set of character tables encapsulated in .dll file JUST THE SAME as system keyboard layouts in Windows, so it is a safe method ...
.NET Obfuscator Freeware
8.8.3 freeware downloadYou need to obfuscate your .NET code because IL (.NET Intermediate Language) code contains all of the information, apart from comments, that is in .NET executable ...
Auto C
3.7.70 freeware downloadAuto C is a practical and easy to use C IDE. It is intended for anyone who wants to work with the C programming language under ...
SX Antivirus Kit
4.0 freeware downloadSX Antivirus Kit is the complete collection of all the FREE Virus Analysis, Detection, & Removal tools for Windows released by SecurityXploded It contains the latest ...
Passkey Lite freeware downloadPasskey Lite is a simple version of Passkey for DVD and Passkey for Blu-ray, which can remove part of DVD and Blu-ray copy protections, let you ...
Oxetta Report Generator
1.4 freeware downloadOxetta is a free report generator, the tool helping you print reports and other printable forms from your application. Oxetta is a fast and compact report ...