text generator freeware downloads
Windows Logon Notifier
1.0 freeware download... very simple to use! Simple write the message text in the “Write Title Here” and “Write Message Here’ spaces provided for and click “Add Message”. ...
2.9.0 freeware download... is a handy, very easy to use password generator designed to help you create large amounts of ... entropy from user inputs and system parameters. Offers text encryption, too. Notable Features: Free and ...
PWGen Portable
2.8.0 freeware download... is a handy, very easy to use password generator designed to help you create large amounts of ... entropy from user inputs and system parameters. Offers text encryption, too. Notable Features: Free and ...
ACA 80x15 Brilliant Button Maker
3.00 freeware download... Maker is a free web 2.0 style button generator, easy and fast to use. It makes possible ... programs like Photoshop. Pick some colors, enter some text, and you'll get a button you can download ...
7Dwarf Word to ePub Driver
1.0 freeware download... content that enables an ePub reader to optimize text for a particular display device. Besides, ePub also ... Word document (*.doc, *.docx), Word Template (*.dot), Rich Text format (*.rtf), Text file (*.txt) and WRI file ...
EnWeb HTML Editor
1.1 freeware download... HTML and CSS statements. Other features include code generator dialogs, insert library file code directly into your programs, cross-browser compatibility, multi-document tab interface, create your ...
TeXstudio Portable
4.8.1 freeware download... you can easily select and add to your text Wizards generating necessary code (e.g. documents, tabular/array-environments and ... code snippets, tabbed MDI view, ... Powerful Text Editor based on QCodeEdit Interactive spell checker ...
Folder Manifest freeware downloadBuilds a text list of file/folder contents, with only a few formatting options. Useful (in fact, for me, invaluable) for quickly generating manifests in code ...
File Hash Calculator
1.0 freeware download... copied to the clipboard or saved as a text/html/xml file using the right-click menu. It's a free alternative to the software HashMyFiles, which you can ...
0.26 freeware downloadAudiodope in a FREE audio editor and recorder that can process most audio formats. You can record from any source line in, microphone, live streaming etc. ...
KeePass Password Safe
2.56 freeware download... for Mono drawing bug when scrolling a rich text box. When running under Mono, some automatic locking ... Sorting * Multi-Language Support * Strong Random Password Generator * Plugin Architecture * Open Source! ...
HotIce PDF to HTML Creator
1.0 freeware download... And as a matter of fact, HTML is text and it needs to work with web browser. ... So here I recommend you a user-friendly HTML generator which requires no program skills. HotIce PDF to ...
0.4.4 freeware download... label directly from MS Excel, MS Access, CSV text files, or other data source. After insertion, you ... date, bar code or image and apply a Text or Paragraph style to the field (centralize, justify, ...
SenCopy ActiveX
2.0 freeware downloadSenCopy protects programs and components, for example ActiveX, given out for shareware purposes by displaying a copyright message window. The window typically informs the user about ...
HxD freeware download... much more. Editing works like in a text editor with a focus on a simple and ... searching/replacing for several data types o Data types: text (including Unicode), hex-values, integers and floats o Search ...
TreeLine for Linux
3.1.6 freeware download... Stores almost any type of information, including plain text, rich text, HTML, numbers, dates, times, booleans, URLs, etc. The ... Navigation Find commands can search node data for text matches or for more specific rules. Filtering commands ...
Portable KeePass Password Safe
2.56 freeware download... view them quickly. The program can handle images, text files and HTLM files that can be previewed ... for Mono drawing bug when scrolling a rich text box. When running under Mono, some automatic locking ...
Password Safe
3.67.0 freeware download... passwords on scraps of paper, or in a text document on your desktop is unsafe and is ... Entries and Groups can be exported to plain text, XML, or to a new PasswordSafe file. 777 ...
Just Color Picker
6.1 freeware download... and Red-Yellow-Blue (RYB) colour wheels; harmonious colour scheme generator for creating appealing colour combinations; RGB, HSV and ... transitions for creating wide ranges of in-between hues; text tool for evaluating the readability of any font ...
4.0 freeware download... Printer, which is a high-quality PDF converter and generator with passwords protection, PDF access control, PDF scaling, ... PDF, convert image formats to PDF, convert plain text file to PDF. For more conversion, please visit ...
PINs freeware download... Internet services (SuperPaste). * A powerful random passwords generator. * Safe files wiping using Gutmann, DoD and ... multi-line descriptions. * A flexible data import/export in text format. * Multiple user accounts on a single ...
3.1.6 freeware download... Stores almost any type of information, including plain text, rich text, HTML, numbers, dates, times, booleans, URLs, etc. The ... Navigation Find commands can search node data for text matches or for more specific rules. Filtering commands ...
Headline Maximizer
0.1 freeware download... get any easier than this! Test Any Other Text On Your Page Too Although the primary purpose ... the headline, the software actually has three separate text entries (headline, sub-heading and sub-sub-heading). The sub-heading and ...
4.130.0 freeware download... securely storing usernames and passwords - ANY confidential text data can be placed in your vault for safe keeping. ...
AllWebMenus SEO CSS Menu Addin
1.0.1 freeware download... OR "on-the-fly", using on-page UL/LI items - UNICODE text support - Right-to-Left language (RTL) support (Arabic, Hebrew, etc.) - Dreamweaver extension/NetObjects Fusion component - WordPress ...