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get2Clouds® freeware downloadSecure messenger, secure cloud, secure large file transfer. get2Clouds is a one-stop solution ... cloud. Every action that takes place in the secure bubble of get2Clouds is encrypted, and it comes ...
SecExMail SOHO
1.5 freeware download... e-mail subject lines are encrypted. All attachments to secure messages are autoencrypted, including their file names and ... information. SecExMail is built on the Open SSL secure socket layer library.Now includes automatic key exchange and ...
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Express Invoice Free Mac Invoicing Software
12.04 freeware download... web browser. * SMTP email send settings include Secure Socket Layer (SSL). * Select from multiple tax rates when ...
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11.06 freeware download... * MAPI or SMTP email send settings include Secure Socket Layer (SSL). * Assign items to Balance Sheet or ...
Adobe Flash Player for Linux freeware download... enhanced output protection, and device filtering features. Secure random number generator Developers can now take advantage of cryptographically secure random number generation to build more secure algorithms ...