java information freeware downloads
tinyMediaManager for Mac OS X
5.0.7 freeware downloadtinyMediaManager is a media management tool written in Java/Swing. It is written to provide metadata for the ... to the fact that it is written in Java, tinyMediaManager will run on Windows, Linux and macOS ...
5.0.7 freeware downloadtinyMediaManager is a media management tool written in Java/Swing. It is written to provide metadata for the ... to the fact that it is written in Java, tinyMediaManager will run on Windows, Linux and macOS ...
tinyMediaManager for Linux
5.0.7 freeware downloadtinyMediaManager is a media management tool written in Java/Swing. It is written to provide metadata for the ... to the fact that it is written in Java, tinyMediaManager will run on Windows, Linux and macOS ...
2.0 freeware download... a freeware lightweight system utility designed to provide information about (unknown) PCI (PCI-E, PCI-X...) devices. PCI-Z is ... Visual Studio C++ redistributed, no .NET platform, no Java. It doesn't even require WMI, so you can ...
SSuite Agnot StrongBox Security freeware download... encryption ciphers to secure your most precious private information. There is BlowFish, TwoFish, CAST-128, Cast-256, DES, 3DES, ... - homepage - homepage - homepage . No Java or DotNet required! Green Energy Software. Saving the ...
Japplis Toolbox
6.0 freeware download... encode and decode URL, Base64, Hex, ROT13, ROT47, Java unicode, Volapuk. It can convert numbers from/to binary, ... hexadecimal and to date. It gives you text information such as character count, word count, line count, ...
Open Teradata Viewer
0.29b freeware downloadA database administration tool, suitable as front-end for your Teradata relational database. Used to easily query, update and administer your database, create reports and synchronize data. ...
MM3-WebAssistant - Proxy Offline Browser
2017 freeware download... MM3-WebAssistant. Mobile users have the flexibility of accessing information from the web without having to worry about expensive access points. Shun overpriced wifi access ports ...
MM3-WebAssistant - Proxy Offline Browser
2017 freeware download... MM3-WebAssistant. Mobile users have the flexibility of accessing information from the web without having to worry about expensive access points. Shun overpriced wifi access ports ...
SearchGUI for Mac and Linux
4.3.9 freeware downloadSearchGUI is a user-friendly open-source graphical user interface for configuring and running proteomics identification search engines and de novo sequencing algorithms, currently supporting X! Tandem, MS-GF+, ...
2.0.0 freeware download... you doubleclick on a jar file, and your Java application does not start, your .jar association has ... the .jar association. If you have installed the Java Runtime Environment the first time, the file type ...
Encrypting Safe
1.1 freeware downloadEncrypting Safe is a simple, easy to use Java based software specially designed to help you keep ... Idea: Some of us usually store some information such bank information,some special note... etc in HDD ...
Funambol Client SDK
9.0.0 freeware download... calendars, tasks and notes, regardless of where that information is stored. Funambol syncs this data with billions ... synchronization and device management. It provides C++ and Java client APIs and server side Java APIs. It ...
006a2 freeware download... suitable restoration method: o People interested in general information, will blur the image. o People looking for getting clean images, will go for getting smooth ...
1.0.1 freeware download... including links to necessary files, executables, source of information and of course information Workplace for internet research using Google and other ...
FreeMind for Mac
1.0.1 freeware download... including links to necessary files, executables, source of information and of course information Workplace for internet research using Google and other ...
FreeMind for Linux
1.0.1 freeware download... including links to necessary files, executables, source of information and of course information Workplace for internet research using Google and other ...
6.06.01 freeware download... mainly) that works on most personal computers (It's Java-based so: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Unix are ... PDF format. · Produces a "party" sheet with information needed by the GM. ...
PCGen for Mac OS X
6.05.00 Unstable freeware download... mainly) that works on most personal computers (It's Java-based so: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Unix are ... PDF format. · Produces a "party" sheet with information needed by the GM. ...
PCGen for Linux
6.06.01 freeware download... mainly) that works on most personal computers (It's Java-based so: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Unix are ... PDF format. · Produces a "party" sheet with information needed by the GM. ...
2.8.7 B1011 freeware download... or at least copy and paste any vital information into a new document and send that instead. Don't forget, if you run VirtualPC you ...
Apache Wicket
10.0.0 freeware download... code for powerful, reusable components written with plain Java and HTML. Features: POJO Component Model Pages and Components in Wicket are real Java objects that support encapsulation, inheritance and events. ...
Apache Wicket for Linux
10.0.0 freeware download... code for powerful, reusable components written with plain Java and HTML. Features: POJO Component Model Pages and Components in Wicket are real Java objects that support encapsulation, inheritance and events. ...
If You Don’t Have Audio That Streams on Your Website Then Buy Our Streaming Audio Software
9.0 freeware download... at Wyka-Warzecha we have a wide range of Java applications including MiniSpeak!, which allows your website to ... of application by yourself, but the beauty of Java applications is that they are so user friendly ...
2.0 Beta freeware download... via NZB files. The software is based on Java and can therefore run on many platforms. Automatic ... and UU-decoding. Core Features of HelloNzb: Java-based, runs on many platforms (tested on Windows and ...