functions freeware downloads
MS SQL Server to Teradata Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool
6.0 freeware download... of all migration phases. SQLWays converts stored procedures, functions, triggers, database schema (DDL), data, views, etc. The tool is especially useful when you need to ...
MS SQL Server to Sybase ASE Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool
6.0 freeware download... of all migration phases. SQLWays converts stored procedures, functions, triggers, database schema (DDL), data, views, etc. The tool is especially useful when you need to ...
MS SQL Server to PostgreSQL Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool
6.0 freeware download... of all migration phases. SQLWays converts stored procedures, functions, triggers, database schema (DDL), data, views, etc. The tool is especially useful when you need to ...
MS SQL Server to MySQL Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool
6.0 freeware download... of all migration phases. SQLWays converts stored procedures, functions, triggers, database schema (DDL), data, views, etc. The tool is especially useful when you need to ...
MS SQL Server to SAP HANA Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool
6.0 freeware download... of all migration phases. SQLWays converts stored procedures, functions, triggers, database schema (DDL), data, views, etc. The tool is especially useful when you need to ...
Sybase ASE to MS SQL Server Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool
6.0 freeware download... of all migration phases. SQLWays converts stored procedures, functions, triggers, database schema (DDL), data, views, etc. The tool is especially useful when you need to ...
Sybase ASE to Oracle Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool
6.0 freeware download... of all migration phases. SQLWays converts stored procedures, functions, triggers, database schema (DDL), data, views, etc. The tool is especially useful when you need to ...
Sybase ASE to DB2 Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool
6.0 freeware download... of all migration phases. SQLWays converts stored procedures, functions, triggers, database schema (DDL), data, views, etc. The tool is especially useful when you need to ...
Sybase ASE to MySQL Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool
6.0 freeware download... of all migration phases. SQLWays converts stored procedures, functions, triggers, database schema (DDL), data, views, etc. The tool is especially useful when you need to ...
4.28 freeware downloadFree PCB Layout editor : - Easy to use - Large number of component types featured - 3D view - User-friendly component types editor - You ...
Advanced BAT to EXE Converter
4.62 freeware downloadAdvanced BAT to EXE Converter has the following unique features: Convert and Compile any batch file to windows executable. Advanced commands including use of Mouse Buttons ...
Milesight VMS Pro(ONVIF compatible) freeware downloadMilesight VMS Pro (Video Management System), which compatible well with ONVIF, is one of the most innovative and most powerful video management software systems on the ...
StartW8 freeware downloadStartW8 has multilanguage support. Thanks to initiative and willingness of StartW8 users are in current StartW8 version ( included these languages: English, Czech, ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional, Dutch, ...
0.0.135 Beta freeware downloadDo you ever wish you could put another table within a table cell (for example, a list of orders attached to every individual customer in a ...
Imagine Picture Viewer
2.2.4 freeware downloadImagine Picture Viewer is a simple photo-viewer for Windows with some basic picture-editing capability. The project is based on Microsoft .net Framework. Further this project is ...
KWHotel Free
0.47. freeware downloadFree hotel management software suitable for a wide-range of accommodation facilities - B&Bs, hotels, hostels, apartments, resorts and more! This version supports the following features: Calendar: ...
Advanced BAT to EXE Converter
4.23 freeware downloadAdvanced BAT to EXE Converter has the following unique features: Convert and Compile any batch file to windows executable. Advanced commands including use of Mouse Buttons ...
4.1.0 freeware download... this language all data types, except for higher-order functions, are treated as objects. The language ... Support for object-oriented programming (virtual classes, interfaces, enums, functions and methods) · Functional support (high-order functions) · ...
ImLab for Mac OS X
2.3.4 freeware download... provide a very simple way to add new functions. It has many image operations and supports several ... a generic plug-in extension mechanism, but creating new functions in the "Process" menu is quite simple and ...
Sicyon calculator
5.8 freeware download... features as: estimate a function using variables, user-defined functions and Sicyon objects; plot/tabulate a function; solve an equation, minimums, maximums and definite integral of a ...
Personal Video Database freeware downloadOrganize your movie collection With Personal Video Database you can catalog your movie collection fast and easy. Thought-out user interface and different database management function make ...
5.5.2935 freeware download... Java and Javascript with many intelligent tools and functions, as wellas a built-in intelligent FTP client, that automatically uploads changed filesto your server. In ...
1.5.8 freeware download... lightweight tool, therefore it doesn't include all the functions of other similar products, but it strives to achieve best results with the features it presents. ...
CrossDJ Free for Mac
3.4.0 freeware downloadThe most professional free DJ software. Built on Cross DJ, the award-winning software developed by Mixvibes for 10 years. Mix tracks easily, play with effects, loops, ...
SuperCollider for Linux
3.12.2 freeware download... composition. It provides an interpreted object-oriented language which functions as a network client to a state of the art, realtime sound synthesis server. SuperCollider ...