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Visual Studio Code for Linux
1.90.2 freeware download... hosted Git service. Visual Studio Code supports the usage of snippets, a feature that can help you significantly reduce the time spent writing code. You ...
freeware downloadVPNBook is a virtual private network provider that uses encrypted connection to alternate the original IP address. Although it is unkown who is behind this service ...
VPNBook for iOS
freeware downloadVPNBook is a virtual private network provider that uses encrypted connection to alternate the original IP address. Although it is unkown who is behind this service ...
Neptune SystemCare 2017 Free
2.17 freeware download... a faster running speed, a lighter CPU memory usage, and a stable system performance. Neptune SystemCare 2017 Free adopts innovative technologies to develop the world's ...
5.00e freeware download... with various colors, in developing software, in instructing usage of a PC or software to other people, as well as in writing your Web pages. ...
Action1 Malicious Software Monitor
2.6 freeware download... licensing incompliance or even data breach due to usage of unsupported and obsolete applications. Action1 Malicious Software and Unsecured Configurations Monitor helps IT administrators to ...
8.4.1 freeware download... from any storage device, most suitable for portable usage. Plus, it doesn't leave any traces in the Windows registry. Features: PUPs and adware removal ...
8 freeware download... from XP to 10. It is zero cpu usage (except Win 7 Classic themes). It has many options for effecting magnifing. There are many color ...
4 freeware download... outside and fullscreen modes. It is zero cpu usage (except Win 7 Classic themes). ...
Alien Blood : Abstract Live Wallpaper
1.09 freeware download... combination with quality option Optimized for low battery usage and framerate homepage ...
Cheat Engine for Mac
7.4 freeware download... reach step 5 for basic understanding of the usage of Cheat Engine. Find your Windows single player games too hard or too easy and ...
0.3alpha freeware download... movements, with some keyboard shortcuts as helpers. Basic usage Move your mouse to set the future position of the window. You may change the active ...
1.0 freeware download... Notifications to your App users and get the usage statistics of you App using the Google Firebase service, earn money by adding an AdMob banner ...
Web Into App
1.0 freeware download... Notifications to your App users and get the usage statistics of your App using the Google Firebase service, and even earn money by adding an ...
Easiest Free Media Splitter for Windows
19.12.9 freeware download... the video/audio into parts based on the duration Usage: 1. Rename the video to start with 'number-clips', for example, '4-clips_name.mp4' 2. Run Easiest Free Media ...
Easiest Free Video End Cropper
19.12.10 freeware download... mp3 and other formats, leaving the rest intact. Usage: 1. Rename the video or audio to start with number-minute|second|ms, such as 5-second-name.mp4 2. Drag and ...
DoNotSpy10 2021
5.3 freeware download... with Windows 10. These services help Microsoft collect usage data and thus to provide a better service. However, collecting and sharing your data with one ...
Batch Convert Docx to Txt Software
20.08.09 freeware download... .txt extension files in a few seconds The usage of this free and portable docx to text file converter for Windows is very simple, you ...
Simple Local Http Web Server Software
20.08.14 freeware download... You don't need to worry about the command usage of the command line program, this is the simplest local static files web server in the ...
Free NetCrunch Tools freeware download... It is completely free to use, with no usage limitations of any kind. Future updates can be installed from the NetCrunch Tools homepage, or through ...
Audio/Video To Exe
2.0.2 freeware download... - Batch conversion - Multilingual GUI - Simple usage ...
Alternate Memo
3.430 freeware download... saved to file and opened again for further usage. Images may also be managed with the program - but they have to be pasted manually. ...
UpdateStar Free
3.2.786 freeware downloadUpdateStar is the program that lets you stay up-to-date and secure with all of your personal software you are using on your computer. This way you ...
UpdateStar Security Starter Pack
1.0 freeware downloadThe Security Starter Pack, provides users with 9 essential freeware programs to make your PC secure: Firewall, Antivirus, Spyware remover, Web-surfing adviser, Encryption and more must-have ...
UpdateStar Freeware Edition
10 freeware downloadUpdateStar Free is the program that lets you stay up to date and secure with all of your personal software you are using on your computer. ...