word definitions freeware downloads
10.37 freeware downloadWordWeb is a handy utility that gives you the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of any given word without requiring you to go online, though it ... feels like an expanded version of any major word processing app's dictionary function, giving users an instant ...
InHisVerse Bible
2.10 freeware downloadStudying the Bible's original Hebrew and Greek words has never been easier. InHisVerse Bible is the ... The process begins with an outline: Every original word is wrapped in its Strong's definition. When a ...
Alternate Dictionary
3.410 freeware download... dictionaries. Those seeking a traditional dictionary with pre-loaded definitions may need to look elsewhere. However, for users who require a flexible and adaptable dictionary management ...
2021.0 freeware download... an open source multitab VB.Net/WPF Ribbon UI based word processor for Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows ... supports Spell Check, Text to Speech, Translate and Definitions. You can also export documents to Wordpress, Xps, ...
2.00 freeware download... can be used to create or edit Microsoft Word or OpenOffice.org documents. Creating and editing documents that ... Main Features: More than 130,000 Chinese words many of which have English, German and French ...
Memorization Professional freeware download... scoreboard, several banners, puzzles with encouragement, a game, word find, a typing tutor, a talking clock with ... has read each book of the Bible. Strong's definitions & archaic words are defined. It has a ...
Learn Chinese Characters Volume 1A
1.0 freeware download... For each character entry, it gives the English definitions, Pinyin and Zhuyin annotations, cross reference of simplified/traditional character, radical, number of strokes (excluding the radical), word examples and definitions. You can also hear the ...
Learn Chinese Characters Volume 1B
1.0 freeware download... For each character entry, it gives the English definitions, Pinyin and Zhuyin annotations, cross reference of simplified/traditional character, radical, number of strokes (excluding the radical), word examples and definitions. You can also hear the ...
Spelling Beez for Windows
1.0 freeware download... students to practice spelling homework. You may add word files along with pictures and sound files so your child can associate the words with their images or definitions. Therefore, it can ...
0.731 freeware download... language learning tool and also a kanji and word dictionary software providing many useful features for those ... known dictionaries. (using KANJIDIC). -Search the dictionary for words starting or ending with what you typed. (the ...
Chinese Toolbox freeware download... you are learning the language itself: radicals, characters, words, phrases, idioms, and how words & phrases contextually fit together. The more and ... Chinese reader programs may offer automatic lookup of word & character definitions, but no other program helps ...
Lookup Assistant Portable freeware download... application. Provides with one click lookup to dictionary's definitions, encyclopedia entries and any other third party online ... a single click (lookup groups); Free access to word based online games; Configurable per-lookup hotkeys; Single click ...
Lookup Assistant freeware download... application. Provides with one click lookup to dictionary's definitions, encyclopedia entries and any other third party online ... a single click (lookup groups); Free access to word based online games; Configurable per-lookup hotkeys; Single click ...
freeware download... is packed with many interesting themes and enough words and definitions that will ought to keep you busy and learning new words for a while. You can also view the ...
English Arabic Dictionary - Lite
1.0 freeware download... translate English to Arabic displaying a list of words in romanised Arabic. The dictionary translates from phonetic Arabic to English. Copying a word from the translated list for a reverse translation ...
English Armenian Dictionary - Lite
1.0 freeware download... translate English to Armenian displaying a list of words in romanised Armenian. The dictionary translates from phonetic Armenian to English. Copying a word from the translated list for a reverse translation ...
English Brazilian Dictionary - Lite
1.0 freeware download... translate English to Brazilian displaying a list of words in Brazilian. The dictionary also translates from Brazilian to English. Copying a word from the translated list for a reverse translation ...
English Bulgarian Dictionary - Lite
1.0 freeware download... translate English to Bulgarian displaying a list of words in romanised Bulgarian. The dictionary translates from phonetic Bulgarian to English. Copying a word from the translated list for a reverse translation ...
English Chinese Dictionary - Lite
1.0 freeware download... translate English to Chinese displaying a list of words in romanised Chinese. The dictionary translates from phonetic Chinese to English. Copying a word from the translated list for a reverse translation ...
English Croatian Dictionary - Lite
1.0 freeware download... translate English to Croatian displaying a list of words in Croatian. The dictionary also translates from Croatian to English. Copying a word from the translated list for a reverse translation ...
English Danish Dictionary - Lite
1.0 freeware download... translate English to Danish displaying a list of words in Danish. The dictionary also translates from Danish to English. Copying a word from the translated list for a reverse translation ...
English Estonian Dictionary - Lite
1.0 freeware download... translate English to Estonian displaying a list of words in Estonian. The dictionary also translates from Estonian to English. Copying a word from the translated list for a reverse translation ...
English Tagalog Dictionary - Lite
1.0 freeware download... translate English to Tagalog displaying a list of words in Tagalog. The dictionary also translates from Tagalog to English. Copying a word from the translated list for a reverse translation ...
English Finnish Dictionary - Lite
1.0 freeware download... translate English to Finnish displaying a list of words in Finnish. The dictionary also translates from Finnish to English. Copying a word from the translated list for a reverse translation ...
English French Dictionary - Lite
1.0 freeware download... translate English to French displaying a list of words in French. The dictionary also translates from French to English. Copying a word from the translated list for a reverse translation ...