snap freeware downloads
DeskAngel freeware download... in it. Visual Effect Features: Edge snap is like 'Aero snap' of 'windows 7', which snaps a window to the edges of screen. Adjust ...
freeware download... search to find and communicate with your colleagues. Snap view -- Need to reference another app or website while using Lync? Lync can snap to the side of your screen so you ...
OneNote for Win8 UI
freeware download... share charm, you can email notes to friends Snap view --- Need to reference another app or website while taking notes? OneNote can snap to the side of your screen so you ...
CheatBook-DataBase 2005
1.0 freeware download... The program is small and setup is a snap. Once CheatBook-Database is on your hard drive, use it as much as you want because it's ...
CheatBook-DataBase 2006
1.0 freeware download... The program is small and setup is a snap. Once CheatBook-Database is on your hard drive, use it as much as you want because its ...
CheatBook-DataBase 2001
4.0 freeware download... The program is small and setup is a snap. Once CheatBook-Database is on your hard drive, use it as much as you want because it's ...
CheatBook-DataBase 2007
1.0 freeware download... The program is small and setup is a snap. Once CheatBook-Database is on your hard drive, use it as much as you want because it's ...
GSplit freeware download... GSplit lets you split any file in a snap. ...
CheatBook-DataBase 2008
1.0 freeware download... The program is small and setup is a snap. Once CheatBook-Database is on your hard drive, use it as much as you want because it's ...
CheatBook-DataBase 2009
1.0 freeware download... The program is small and setup is a snap. Once CheatBook-Database is on your hard drive, use it as much as you want because it's ...
18.64 freeware download... automatically or manually adding descriptions and box art. Snap shots can also be taken for all of your videos/movies. Registered users will also be ...
CD FrontEnd Lite
2023.70.1.259 freeware download... autorun/autostart CDs with CD FrontEnd is really a snap! Not just a simple CD menu / CD buttons management tool, but a quick, powerful all-in-one ...
GUNNER24 Freeware
2.3 freeware download... lines) of the GUNNER24 Setup. - In the snap version, limited to 2 windows. - You can only start the GUNNER24 Freeware once. The full ...
2.4 freeware download... lists to your site or store is a snap. * Add product lists easily to your store. No template nightmare, no waiting time. * Deploy ...
CheatBook-DataBase 2010
1.0 freeware download... The program is small and setup is a snap. Once CheatBook-Database is on your hard drive, use it as much as you want because it's ...
Simple MDB (Access Database) Merge
0.5 freeware download... use interface. * Merging MDB Tables is a snap * Allows export of merged table to new or existing Access database * Based within the ...
Mouse Shaker freeware download... mouse! - Simulates Windows 7 new feature Aero Snap! - Small sized. ...
CheatBook-DataBase 2011
1.0 freeware download... The program is small and setup is a snap. Once CheatBook-Database is on your hard drive, use it as much as you want because it's ...
Interactive Calendar
2.2 freeware download... be a pleasure to look at and a snap to use, Interactive Calendar is a perfect candidate. It's fast, customizable and offers everything necessary for ...
2.13.9 freeware download... illustrators. The software includes easy-to-use perspective grids and snap tools that help in creating accurate and dynamic scenes with proper depth and dimension. This feature, ...
7.1.1 freeware download... Examine, cut, duplicate, loop, and move with precise snap positioning. Enjoy a number of pre-created blues, pop, rock, and heavy metal drum loops. Build drum ...
Orinj for Mac and Linux
7.1.1 freeware download... Examine, cut, duplicate, loop, and move with precise snap positioning. Enjoy a number of pre-created blues, pop, rock, and heavy metal drum loops. Build drum ...
CheatBook-DataBase 2012
1.0 freeware download... The program is small and setup is a snap. Once CheatBook-Database is on your hard drive, use it as much as you want because it's ...
Meal Planning
3.2.2 freeware download... menu (Mac only: type the first letter to snap quickly to that part of the ingredient choices), enter the portion (may be in whole number ...
2.0 freeware download... moved and/or duplicated to other pages # A snap-to-objects function allows for precise positioning on page. # Pages can have a bookmark, which allows for ...