php freeware downloads
CodeLobster IDE for Mac OS
2.6.0 freeware download... cross-platform IDE primarily intended for creating and editing PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript files with support Drupal CMS, ... CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Symfony, Yii and WordPress. It includes PHP debugger, dynamic help, advanced autocomplete, Class View window ...
CodeLobster IDE for Linux
2.6.0 freeware download... cross-platform IDE primarily intended for creating and editing PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript files with support Drupal CMS, ... CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Symfony, Yii and WordPress. It includes PHP debugger, dynamic help, advanced autocomplete, Class View window ...
Rock Solid Contact US System
0.7.3 freeware downloadA secure Contact US web form write in PHP, with optional visual confirmation, optional email confirmation, internationalization, easy to customize with template. Keep email private, ...
Zoom Search Engine Free Edition
7.1.1022 freeware download... $US299 (max. 1 million pages) Editions. It supports PHP, ASP, Javascript and CGI platforms and can also create .NET search pages. ...
2.4.0 freeware download... extensible, Open Source web application framework written in PHP. Xaraya delivers the requisite infrastructure and tools to ... used to control presentation of data, requiring minimal PHP knowledge to use templates. Easy to Extend ...
1.1.0 freeware download... scrambling algorithm. Since v1.1.0 there is a new PHP scrambling function. This tool can reduce your CSS/JS ... - CSS and JS minify/compression. - HTML scramler, PHP officially not supported. ...
5.2.2 freeware downloadphpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of ...
WDL Website Builder
4 freeware download... for Desktops, Tablet and Mobile Devices. Edits HTML5/XHTML, PHP, CSS, Javascript, CFML, ASP documents. Over 250+ powerful html editing features such as Tag Insight, Tag ...
JVBSDel freeware download... separate file of scripts of JavaScript, VBScript, C#, PHP and comments from various documents, for example from the HTML files, etc., and also optimization of ...
Valentina Reports Server for Windows
9.6 freeware download... build own applications around Valentina Report Server using PHP C# C++ Java, etc, using a Valentina Report ADK for specific programming language. Additionally REST can ...
Valentina Reports Server for Mac
9.6 freeware download... build own applications around Valentina Report Server using PHP C# C++ Java, etc, using a Valentina Report ADK for specific programming language. Additionally REST can ...
Valentina Reports Server for Linux
9.6 freeware download... build own applications around Valentina Report Server using PHP C# C++ Java, etc, using a Valentina Report ADK for specific programming language. Additionally REST can ...
BitNami Mantis Stack
2.24.0-0 freeware download... free popular web-based bug-tracking system, written in the PHP scripting language and works with MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL databases and a webserver. ...
BitNami Mantis Stack for Linux
2.24.0-0 freeware download... free popular web-based bug-tracking system, written in the PHP scripting language and works with MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL databases and a webserver. ...
BitNami Mantis Stack for Mac OS X
2.24.0-0 freeware download... free popular web-based bug-tracking system, written in the PHP scripting language and works with MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL databases and a webserver. ...
Free Business Directory Software
1.0.0 freeware downloadGoClixy has launched a Lite edition of its popular business directory software to allow more and more people around the world to use it. GoClixy Lite ...
1.4.0 freeware download... It runs on a Internet server and needs PHP. PHPWebQuiz has been developed to be used together with QuizPro. PHPWebQuiz uses the same format for ...
Abyss Web Server X1 freeware download... Web Server X1, hosting your site and your PHP, Perl, Python, ASP, Ruby on Rails, or ASP.NET Web applications is a matter of a few ...
1.8 freeware downloadAMPPS is a stack of Apache, PHP, MySQL, Perl & Python. AMPPS enables you to focus more on using applications rather than maintaining them. With ...
BitNami LAMP Stack for Linux
7.3.12-0 freeware download... to run LAMP development environment. In addition to PHP, MySQL and Apache, it includes FastCGI, OpenSSL, phpMyAdmin, ModSecurity, SQLite, Varnish™, ImageMagick, xDebug, Xcache, OpenLDAP, ModSecurity, ...
Web-Developer Server Suite freeware download... create & deploy websites using Apache (web server), PHP (language), and MySQL (database). With WampDeveloper Pro ... HTML + CSS + JavaScript sites running on PHP and MySQL! Performance Optimized. Secured. And Fully Supported! ...
2.6.6 freeware download... text editor (DHTML editor), for ASP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, PHP, Java and JavaScript brings to the web many ... · Integration with ASP, ASP.NET, Java, ColdFusion, Perl, PHP, Javascript and more. · Image and file links ...
2.5.10 freeware downloadXOOPS is a web application platform written in PHP for the MySQL database. Its object orientation makes it an ideal tool for developing small or ...
BitNami Moodle Stack
4.1.0-0 freeware downloadBitNami Moodle Stack greatly simplifies the deployment of Moodle and its required dependencies. It can be deployed using a native installer, as a virtual machine, in ...
BitNami Moodle Stack for Linux
3.11.0-0 freeware downloadBitNami Moodle Stack greatly simplifies the deployment of Moodle and its required dependencies. It can be deployed using a native installer, as a virtual machine, in ...