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7.2.0 freeware download... unnecessary object creation, and so forth. It supports Java, JavaScript, Apex and Visualforce, PLSQL, Apache Velocity, XML, ... CPD, the copy-paste-detector. CPD finds duplicated code in Java, C, C++, C#, Groovy, PHP, Ruby, Fortran, JavaScript, ...
BitNami Tomcat Stack
8.5.49-0 freeware download... Stack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of Java applications. It includes ready-to-run versions of Apache, Tomcat, MySQL and Java and required dependencies. It can be deployed using ...
BitNami Tomcat Stack for Linux
8.5.49-0 freeware download... Stack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of Java applications. It includes ready-to-run versions of Apache, Tomcat, MySQL and Java and required dependencies. It can be deployed using ...
BitNami Tomcat Stack for Mac OS X
8.5.49-0 freeware download... Stack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of Java applications. It includes ready-to-run versions of Apache, Tomcat, MySQL and Java and required dependencies. It can be deployed using ...
2.2 freeware download... group construct. Runs on any OS with the Java Runtime Environment (JRE 6+). RenameWand is free and open source software written in Java and released under the GNU GPL license (version ...
The Grinder
3.11 freeware download... machines. Now, you can use this Open Source, Java-based framework to perform the tests you need in ... Generic Approach Load test anything that has a Java API. This includes common cases such as HTTP ...
3.0 freeware downloadjlGui is a graphical music player that supports JavaSound capabilities : WAV, AU, AIFF, SPEEX, MP3 thanks ... to provide a real-time music player for the Java™ Plaform, WinAmp skins compliant, with streaming support. ...
jlGui for Mac OS X
3.0 freeware downloadjlGui is a graphical music player that supports JavaSound capabilities : WAV, AU, AIFF, SPEEX, MP3 thanks ... to provide a real-time music player for the Java™ Plaform, WinAmp skins compliant, with streaming support. ...
jlGui for Linux
3.0 freeware downloadjlGui is a graphical music player that supports JavaSound capabilities : WAV, AU, AIFF, SPEEX, MP3 thanks ... to provide a real-time music player for the Java™ Plaform, WinAmp skins compliant, with streaming support. ...
2.9.0 freeware downloadPOJava is a very light-weight utility library providing a practical assortment of data transformations. Its goal is to provide a foundation for POJO-based handling of data ...
InWords Amanuensis
4.6 freeware download... run a batch test of any language with java com.mindprod.inwords.Polish where Polish is the name of the ... names) option. To run as an application, type: java -jar C:commindprodinwordsinwords.jar adjusting as necessary to account for ...
0.9.2 freeware downloadExpressionJ is a Java library allowing to interpret simple numeric expressions, which may be used in all applications which have to combine numeric values, but ...
0.6.0 freeware download... was specially designed as a handy and accessible Java library that can be used for parsing and evaluating math expressions. You can now use the ...
CodeBot Adapter
b8 Alpha freeware downloadThe CBA is a Java-based Library to interact with the CodeBot Forum (homepage You can read/send Messages from/to the ShoutBox, read/write Topics, get informations about ...
Moon Planner
1.0.7 Beta freeware downloadMoonPlanner is a Java calendar that allow to view moon's phases, moon's signs (constellations in which the moon is), and show the part of the ...
Moon Planner for Linux
1.0.7 Beta freeware downloadMoonPlanner is a Java calendar that allow to view moon's phases, moon's signs (constellations in which the moon is), and show the part of the ...
Moon Planner for Mac OS X
1.0.7 Beta freeware downloadMoonPlanner is a Java calendar that allow to view moon's phases, moon's signs (constellations in which the moon is), and show the part of the ...
jMP3 Tag Editor
1.2.3 freeware downloadjMP3 Tag Editor is a simple and easy to use application that you can use to edit audio tags and batch rename audio files. The ...
4.3 freeware downloadRegexSearch is a Java application that performs graphical find and find-and-replace searches ... of regular expressions is performed by the robust Java regular-expression engine. The syntax of Java's regular expressions ...
JXplorer freeware download... AIX, BSD and it should run on any java supporting operating system. FEATURES: LDAP add/delete/copy/modify tree copy, move and delete Drag-n-drop editing Complex ...
JXplorer for Linux freeware download... names. · Extensible architecture with object class based Java plugins ...
JXplorer for Mac OS X freeware download... names. · Extensible architecture with object class based Java plugins ...
Yaoqiang Graph Editor
2.0.123 freeware download... Yaoqiang Graph Editor is developed in the Java programming language and can run on multiple platforms. FEATURES: No Installation Quickly and easily ...
1.2.5 freeware download... is a tool for binding XML data to Java objects. It's extremely flexible, allowing you to start from existing Java code and generate an XML schema, start from ...
NetBeans IDE
10.0 freeware downloadNetBeans IDE is much more than a Java IDE: We designed NetBeans IDE as a modular ... NetBeans IDE lets you quickly and easily develop Java desktop, mobile, and web applications, as well as ...