double freeware downloads
InjuredPixels for Android
1.1 freeware download... use the volume keys to cycle through colors; double tap anywhere to hide the buttons and check every inch for defects; double tap again to show the buttons; swipe down ...
Bulk SMS Software
3.1 freeware download... message to get the name here you can double click on the relevant column) we are pleased to inform you that you have earned (double ...
1 Click & Go
1.2996 freeware download... program runs in taskbar. To restore it just double click on the icon or click the right mouse button on the icon and choose the ...
1.1f freeware download... opened in a Windows Quark XPress by a double-click Highlights the paths containing Unicode characters not allowed by Windows 95/98 (files or folders names containing ...
BySoft InternetPal freeware download... popup with program options is shown. If you double click on tray icon, main window is shown. Freeware! ...
Registry Jumper
3.0 freeware download... HKLM) + Trailing and leading spaces, brackets, quotes, double slashes are trimmed, so the registry paths like ['HKLM\SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun'] are no problem. + The executable has ...
WSQ viewer
1.1 freeware download... easily opened in Windows Explorer with simple mouse double click. WSQ viewer is the demo version of WSQ (FBI's Wavelet Scalar Quantization) library add-on available ...
15.09 freeware downloadThe freeware program CONVERT from KilletSoft converts data files to other data formats and character sets. For the import in MySQL or SQL databases the 'CREATE ...
11.01 freeware downloadThe freeware program CONVERT from KilletSoft converts data files to other data formats and character sets. For the import in MySQL or SQL databases the 'CREATE ...
1.1 freeware download... the data - RegType: REG_SZ, REG_DWORD, REG_BINARY(Hex/String with double quotaion) - RegFile: Registry flie to be import or export ...
OtsAV Free
1.77.001 freeware download... +/-100% (right down to stationary and up to double-speed). Many other features include volume management, manual override, powerful media library system, instant response controls, remote ...
Fast chromatogram viewer
1.3 freeware Fasta chromatogram viewer Description: This freeware tool will list all chromatogram files (SCF, ABI, AB1, AB) in the current folder. You can view the chromatogram ...
Bluetooth File Transfer LITE
1.70 freeware downloadUse your cell phone to browse, explore and manage files of any Bluetooth ready device! Download, upload, explore, search, edit, create, delete and rename files and ...
DarkWave Studio
5.9.4 freeware download... (Sample Rate Reduction Filter) Features: Highly Optimized 64-bit Double Precision Precision Audio Processing Very Small Download Low Latency ASIO And DirectSound Audio Output Support SSE2 ...
ForevalZ freeware download... internal and external variables (complex and real), (extended, double, integer), arrays and parameters. Addition external functions with unlimited and indefinite number of variables. Adding external ...
NiceCalc3 Lite
1.0 freeware download... like addition, subtraction, division and multiplication, it performs double precision of results, "simplified" form for binary operations, memory stack operations and customizable buttons. Joystick used ...
Meteor Share
5.2.0 freeware download... you have found the files you wanted just double click on the file's name and start downloading it. Once you have done that all you ...
1.55 freeware download... Alternative starting positions and bronstein time control supported. DoubleChessBoard more close to chess over the real table: ... font as pieces with any user color also. DoubleChessBoard can serve also as BPGN, PGN Viewer and ...
FileAlyzer freeware download... see the contents of a specific section, just double-click it and FileAlyzer will jump to the beginning of that section on the Hexdump tab. ...
File Joiner
2.4.5 freeware download... windows explorer, so you can load files by double clicking the file -progress bar to monitor the join operation (also win7 progress bar in taskbar) ...
File Joiner (64bit, portable)
2.4.5 freeware download... windows explorer, so you can load files by double clicking the file -progress bar to monitor the join operation (also win7 progress bar in taskbar) ...
IntelliWebSearch freeware download... the text of paragraph marks, line breaks, tabs, double spaces, punctuation marks and various other superfluous characters; 3. opens your default browser (or other browser ...
BPM Counter freeware download... other BPM detectors is they may halve or double the actual BPM rate because decoder MP3 files partially with lower quality. We use high-quality audio ...
4.00 freeware download... containing everything you need. You can also simply double-click on any part of the empty area in Explorer, Desktop and standard file open/save dialogs. Smart ...
Folder Size MG freeware download... or files. Open files with associated application using double click. Remove folders or files from the list in order to check the folder size after ...