mental freeware downloads
Mental Calculation Training Software
20.07.29 freeware downloadYou can use this mental arithmetic software to easily improve your math skills! ... this software for some calculation training This math mental Calculation Training app designed for primary and middle ...
Test and mental theraphy
1.0 freeware downloadThis test tests whether everything is OK with you or not. If not it offers to you therapeutic recommendations on how can you improve your menthal ...
5.2.WIN32 freeware downloadCalcul will help your elementary school students practice mental arithmetic or to do fractions. Choose addition, subtraction, multiplication, division or fractions; then set the range ...
Portable Brain Workshop
4.8.4 freeware download... is a Python implementation of the Dual N-Back mental exercise. Portable Brain Workshop was designed to engage you in a mental activity that is scientifically proven to improve your ...
Brain Workshop
4.8.4 freeware download... is a Python implementation of the Dual N-Back mental exercise. Brain Workshop was designed to engage you in a mental activity that is scientifically proven to improve your ...
Brain Workshop for Mac OS X
4.8.4 freeware download... is a Python implementation of the Dual N-Back mental exercise. Brain Workshop was designed to engage you in a mental activity that is scientifically proven to improve your ...
Brain Workshop for Linux
4.8.4 freeware download... is a Python implementation of the Dual N-Back mental exercise. Brain Workshop was designed to engage you in a mental activity that is scientifically proven to improve your ...
Memoriad Competition Simulator
1.0 freeware download... exercise for Memory Olympiads (Memoriad), World Memory Championships, Mental Calculation World Cups and Photographic Speed Reading Contests. ... Use your brain as human calculator (mental calendars, mental additions, mental multiplications and mental square roots, etc.); ...
BrainSpeeder Brain Games
3.4.102 freeware download... and brain teasers for free! Mind exercises and mental workout for your grey matter with big fun ... The quick brain games of BrainSpeeder enhance your mental agility with different types of mind games such ...
Math Rush Basic Operations Lite
freeware download... Rush Basic Operations app is designed to improve mental calculation skills for current hi-tech generation. Math Rush series not only improve critical and logical thinking ...
1.93 freeware downloadListening Singing Teacher helps you to sing in tune and in rhythm. The visual feedbacks for pitch, beat and loudness allow you to train your 'mental ...
ListeningSingingTeacher Mac
1.93 freeware downloadListening Singing Teacher helps you to sing in tune and in rhythm. The visual feedbacks for pitch, beat and loudness allow you to train your "mental ...
1.1.0 freeware download... system also encourages you to invent an amusing mental image linking the question and answer (Visualization and ... - encourages you to make up a silly mental image to connect the question and answer (Visualisation ...
1.0 freeware download... can also help to improve the physical and mental well-being of the occupants. Lively Plants Theme Package uses plants images to be background of templates, ...
Flash Magazine Themes for Coffee Style
1.0 freeware download... refreshing effects are also a gospel to many mental workers. Download the free templates to brochure flipbook maker to have more surprise. ...
0.6.1 freeware download... is scientifically proven to improve concentration and reduce mental fatigue, making Zen an invaluable tool for anyone looking to boost their productivity. One of ...
3.00 freeware download... a tone for your mood, and adjust your mental state. Abstract art pictures have a major impact on your perception, as well as, the desktop ...
Self Hypnosis Ebook
1.0 freeware download... you feel that you need improvements in your mental state and in your everyday life- this book is for you. You can contact author of ...
2.8 freeware download... spatial location, work trajectory, time frame of reference, mental mood, goals, and even intentions! Our challenge is how best to characterise presence, how to make ...
3D Free Summer Clothes Themes
2.0 freeware download... get rid of bad mood and keep our mental world full of sun shine. Summer Clothes, the topic of the 3D page flip book templates, ...
2.0 freeware download... author makes no warranties to your physical and/or mental damages. The basic idea of "JIKANKEI FUJYO JIHOU" is before Westernized Japanese Clock System (until ...
2.0.1 freeware download... author makes no warranties to your physical and/or mental damages. The basic idea of "JIKANKEI FUJYO JIHOU" is before Westernized Japanese Clock System (until ...
Virtual Girlfriend App
2023.4.2 freeware download... active and live each day without harming your mental state. It is also free to use, and you do not have to be worried about ...