wireless networks freeware downloads
Wireless Wizard
6.6 freeware downloadThe Wireless Wizard improves the use and reliability of any ... data network. It allows you to aim your wireless adapter, measure wireless performance and quickly identify and ...
SterJo Wireless Passwords
2.0 freeware download... regarding your wifi security? This is where SterJo Wireless Passwords solves this issue for you. SterJo Wireless Passwords is a free password recovery software which you can use to recover your lost wireless network passwords. Just by running this software on ...
Build 0461 freeware download... a software-tool to collect and visualize informations of wireless networks. It allows to display several data, such as their expansion, signal-strength and status. The single wireless networks are displayed on a topographical map. ...
WIFi Locator
1.1 freeware download... in the background, and monitor the activity of wireless networks around you. For each detected network it displays ...
1.75 freeware downloadWirelessNetView is a small utility that runs in the background, and monitor the activity of wireless networks around you. For each detected network, it displays
0.4.0 freeware download... tool for Windows that allows you to detect Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) using 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g. Features: ... poor coverage in your WLAN. · Detect other networks that might be causing interference with your network. ...
WiFi password revealer freeware download... will show you all stored passwords to your wireless (WiFi) network(s). Each time you connect to a wireless network using a password - Windows OS encrypts ...
4.0.4462 freeware download... a professional multiplatform app for Wi-Fi network planning, wireless site surveys, Wi-Fi analysis, and troubleshooting. Best in ... network. Analyze your Wi-Fi Coverage Discover the WiFi networks around you, and use their information to easily ...
2.17 freeware download... detailed insights into the performance and status of wireless networks. Upon launching Homedale, users are greeted with ... dashboard presents a real-time overview of available Wi-Fi networks, displaying essential information such as SSID, signal strength, ...
WLANController Client for Mac OS X
1.0.2 B537 freeware download... make the deployment and management of large WiFi networks quicker, simpler and less costly. We eliminated the need for any new hardware and software (other ...
NetSpot WiFi Heat Map Analyzer
3.1.150 freeware download... creating an interactive WiFi heatmap of the real-life wireless signal propagation. NetSpot will guide you during your ... points, collecting various WiFi metrics and mapping your wireless network as you move around. Organize your WiFi ...
DNS Redirector freeware download... Internet on your network. Commonly used on public/open wireless networks. Or, choose to redirect all web traffic to ... network, or during maintenance. Designed for wireless hotspots, hotels, cafes, schools, and libraries but applicable ...
Boingo Wi-Finder
2.0.0299.0 freeware download... hotspots. No more drudging through lists of Wi-Fi networks to find a connection — Boingo Wi-Finder will select and connect for you. Just walk into ...
TekWiFi freeware download... 7/8/10, 2008-2019 Server). TekWiFi simplifies connection to the wireless network which PEAP authentication implemented. Features: Lists available wireless networks. Displays details for the connected wireless network; ...
2.95 freeware download... designed for users who need detailed information about wireless networks in their vicinity. This lightweight utility provides a comprehensive overview of all available Wi-Fi networks, making it an indispensable asset for network administrators, ...
NetSpot WiFi Analyzer
3.0.181 freeware download... without additional expensive hardware! Analyze and troubleshoot your wireless networks with color-coded interactive heatmaps, very simple to create ... solution to verify and track performance of your wireless setups over time. USE NETSPOT AS... * WiFi ...
2023.0.1.40175 freeware download... your Connectify Hotspot 24/7. Share Wi-Fi from 3G/4G Networks – Connectify Hotspot PRO supports sharing Internet from 3G/4G cards in addition to a wide variety ...
1.5.2 freeware download... 7/8/10, 2008-2019 Server). TekWiFi simplifies connection to the wireless network which PEAP authentication implemented. TekWifi, lists available wireless networks, displays details for the connected wireless network; ...
1.66 freeware download... wish to delve into the intricacies of their wireless network history. This tool offers a straightforward interface ... users who need to review and analyze their wireless network activity. Whether you're troubleshooting connectivity issues or ...
SW Hotspot
2.0 freeware download... application. After that when the computer scans for Wireless Networks the applications checks for available SunWireless Hot Spots ... for best value Be free ... go wireless ... go SunWireless! ...
0.98b2105 freeware download... and latency for different distributions including Markov two-state wireless loss model. 11) Software defined protocol emulation (SDPE) with controllers and agents distributed throughout a network. ...
2.0 freeware download... computers' MAC address. It can be used on networks that limit connectivity based on the computer's address. ... Windows network services. Supported adapters: USB wireless adapters integrated ethernet and wireless adapters PCMCIA adapters ...
ZoneAlarm Firewall Free freeware download... layers of advanced protection provide unsurpassed security. Wireless PC Protection shields you from hackers, identity thieves ... when you connect to an unsecured network. Automatic Wireless Network Security detects wireless networks and automatically applies ...
Camfrog Video Chat
7.9.2 B40860 freeware download... * Camfrog works behind all firewalls, routers, and wireless networks. * It's easy to find new people to ...
Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector
2.0 freeware download... solution that can help you monitor the Wi-Fi networks of your laptop or network adapter. This application ... perform several actions, such as searching for Wi-Fi networks, displaying connectivity issues, detecting rogue access points, and ...