search and replace text freeware downloads
Quoter Amanuensis
5.5 freeware downloadConverts text with many possible cleanups, including preparation of HTML and Java, aligning in columns, character set conversion, case ... lines, preparing regex expressions.... Converts raw text with the following possible cleanups: 1. Convert ...
5.5.5 freeware downloadScite, developed by Neil Hodgson, is a versatile and highly efficient text editor designed for programmers and developers who demand precision and performance in their coding environment. This software stands ...
PolyEdit Lite
5.4 freeware download... It is designed to be lightweight, reliable, easy-to-use and extremely fast. All the expected functions are featured, including the usual text formatting tools, search and replace, support for images ...
AkelPad freeware download... - is an open source editor for plain text. It is designed to be a small and fast. Wonderful editor, being used to edit files in plain text format, thus it is irreplaceable for designing of ...
AkelPad (x64 bit)
4.9.8 freeware download... - is an open source editor for plain text. It is designed to be a small and fast. Wonderful editor for indows x64, being used to edit files in plain text format, thus it is irreplaceable for designing of ...
BabelPad freeware downloadBabelPad is a free Unicode text editor for Windows that supports the proper rendering of most complex scripts, and allows you to assign different fonts to different ...
2.9.4 freeware downloadBowPad, developed by Stefan Küng, is a versatile and lightweight text editor designed to cater to the needs of programmers and casual users alike. This software stands out with ...
1.8 freeware downloadNFOPad is a small, fast and flexible combined nfo viewer and text editor. It is a clone of Microsoft's Notepad but much more customizable and with some additional features. Of course NFOPad also ...
AB-Edit freeware downloadAB-Edit is the comfortable text editor for work with multiple documents. Lots of ... Syntax Highlighting for more than 25 file types, Search & Replace with regular expressions, Code Templates, automatic ...
2.05 freeware downloadUniRed is Unicode editor of simple ("plain") text. It can edit texts with charsets UTF-8, UTF-16, Windows and DOS system charsets, and many other charsets. ...
32.0 freeware download... Notepad. Although it fills the same role, plain text editing, it offers an arsenal of time-saving tools: ... history, jump to line/offset, keyboard macros, print preview, search and replace, skinnable interface, spell checking, statistics, text ...
Hexonic PDF Metadata Editor
1.0.0 freeware download... yet easy to use freeware tool to view and edit metadata of PDF documents. It is especially ... drag pdf documents into window, select desired fields and enter text to insert, click “Modify All Files”, ...
Bulk Rename Utility freeware download... utility which allows you to easily rename files and directories, based upon extemely flexible criteria. Add date-stamps, replace numbers, insert strings, convert case, add auto-numbers, process ...
Notepad3 freeware downloadNotepad3, a swift, Scintilla-based text editor, excels in syntax highlighting, rendering it a superior replacement for the default Windows text editor. While Windows Notepad is known for its ...
1.60.0 freeware download... of software that can help you edit your texts and documents, although it can do more, such as file viewing and handling. Atom is a desktop application based on ...
BowPad Portable
2.9.4 freeware download... Portable, developed by Stefan Küng, is a versatile and lightweight text editor designed to cater to the needs of both casual users and seasoned developers. This portable version of BowPad offers ...
0.43 freeware downloadA modern configuration of the powerful and famous Vim, Cream is for Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and FreeBSD. Why Cream? Vim is a powerful and full-featured text editor, the popular descendant of the ...
4.2.2. freeware download... has been developed from the need to quickly and conveniently view photos and texts for example from own Explorer. FastImageViewer is very compact and free from ballast. It processes files in various ...
4.2.25 freeware download... to follow this principle, being a fast, small and free text editor with syntax highlighting for HTML and other common languages. Features: Customizable syntax ...
Notepad2 64-bit
4.2.25 freeware download... to follow this principle, being a fast, small and free text editor with syntax highlighting for HTML and other common languages. Features: Customizable syntax ...
1.3.4 freeware downloadSearch drives for files and folders (directories). Select on file name, path, extension, size and date or use a Regular Expression. Delete, rename, ... selected files. Modify file date. Export or print search result list. Rename options include: auto number, add ...
ScanDir portable
1.3.4 freeware downloadSearch drives for files and folders (directories). Select on file name, path, extension, size and date or use a Regular Expression. Delete, rename, ... selected files. Modify file date. Export or print search result list. Rename options include: auto number, add ...
Ron's Editor
2023.05.19.1414 freeware download... editor. It can open any format of separated text, including the standard comma and tab separated files (CSV and TSV), and allows total control over their content ...
Swiss File Knife
1.9.9 freeware download... the target folder. Cut videos with free tools and an sfk editing script. Find text in office files. Create a script for daily backups, telling in detail what to include and what not. Create and extract zip files easy ...
3.4 freeware downloadTextMorph is a FREE powerful ASCII text formatter. It is also a text editor, similar to Notepad. There are lots of text editing programs around, but TextMorph has a number ...