pregnancy software freeware downloads
1.0 freeware downloadPreggers is a tool to calculate the optimal dates to conceive (i.e. when to have sex) in order to maximise your chances of getting pregnant. ...
Free Countdown Timer Portable
5.3 freeware download... New Year, Christmas, Halloween, Vacation, Birthday, Graduation, Wedding, Pregnancy, etc. ...
2.6 eng. freeware download... as for contraception. Though there are some similar software, only "BabyPlan" uses cumulative statistical data to give ... computer with Microsoft Excel installed (or any other software that can work with files *.xls). Also "BabyPlan" ...
FreeDiams for Mac OS X
1.0.0 freeware download... Free Drugs InterActions Manager and preScriptor. FreeDiams software is stable and finalized. It can be used ... pharmacological intolerances Management of physiological contra-indications (renal failure, pregnancy, lactation) (under development) Prescription is sended back and ...