filter. freeware downloads
LibreOffice x64
24.2.4 freeware downloadLibreOffice x64 is the free power-packed Open Source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all your document ...
Portable TreeSize Free
4.7.3 freeware downloadEvery hard disk is too small if you just wait long enough. TreeSize Free tells you where precious space has gone to. This tool can also ...
Satsuki Decoder Pack freeware downloadThe pack in now splitted in 3 files, the main pack, a wm module and a quicktime module. As explained on the decoder pack page, you ...
Video To Video Converter
2.9 B2.9.6.11 freeware downloadThe most easily used Video Converter tools. You can convert video files among VCD SVCD DVD MPEG AVI DivX ASF DAT SWF FLV 3GP RM MP3 ...
mSecure for Mac OS X
5.6.2 freeware downloadDon’t take any chances with your passwords and private information. From desktop to mobile, no matter the platform, mSecure is the most secure and straightforward solution ...
BatchRename freeware downloadBatchRename provides a no-nonsense method for renaming files. With its well-planned setup and customizable flexibility, this should meet the needs of any user. BatchRename (pro) - ...
SUMo Portable freeware downloadSUMo Portable(Software Update Monitor) keeps your PC up-to-date & safe by using the most recent version of your favorite software ! Unlike build-in auto update features, ...
7.2.4 freeware downloadMixtikl was retired in 2017 and is no longer supported or available. Download links to archive versions have now also gone as that was now some ...
Photo Editing & Saving Wizard
2021 freeware downloadPhoto Editing & Saving Wizard for Photoshop is a product based on our Advanced JPEG Compressor. It is the perfect solution to perform: Base photo ...
Codec Pack - Advanced
8.0.1 freeware downloadThe Cole2k Media advanced codec package features a collection of codecs and filters for encoding/decoding a large variety of video/audio formats. Components include: DivX 7.4 Pro ...
Codec Pack - Standard
8.0.1 freeware downloadThe Cole2k Media standard codec package features a collection of codecs and filters for encoding/decoding a large variety of video/audio formats. Components include: ffdshow Video Codec ...
EaseTag Cloud Storage Connect freeware downloadEaseTag Cloud Storage Connect is a data storage technique which automatically moves data between local and cloud storage. EaseTag Cloud Storage Connect can help simplify the ...
0.731 freeware downloadPersonal finance manager based on double entry bookkeeping principles. You will be able to organize your accounts into a tree structure. Branch expense and income ...
DSP Filters
0.9.72 freeware downloadDSP Filters is a library desigend to harnesses the power of C++ templates to solve a useful problem in digital signal processing: the realization of multichannel ...
1.52 freeware downloadKMWin (Kaplan-Meier for Windows) is a convenient tool for graphical presentation of results from Kaplan-Meier survival time analysis. The programme is an interface and intended to ...
Ron's Editor
2023.05.19.1414 freeware downloadRon's Editor is a powerful CSV file editor. It can open any format of separated text, including the standard comma and tab separated files (CSV and ...
1.2.8 freeware downloadBibfilex is a user-friendly software designed to help you create BibTex keys for books, articles, collections, manuals, patents, periodicals or references. The main purpose of Bibfilex ...
Bibfilex for Mac OS X
1.2.8 freeware downloadBibfilex is a user-friendly software designed to help you create BibTex keys for books, articles, collections, manuals, patents, periodicals or references. The main purpose of Bibfilex ...
1.6 freeware downloadGramoFile is a computer program, running under the Linux operating system (and some other UNIX-like OSses -- and even DOS/Windows now!), with the main goal of ...
Simple USB Logger
1.7 freeware download... is based on operation of a usual Lower Filter. But our unique features allow loading driver filter ... shows pairs of request submissions and completions. Endpoint filter. USB Logger allows setting endpoint filters, thus making ...
3.5 freeware download... increases so does the accuracy of the bayesian filter. Until it reaches a maximum of about 98.5%. All the while producing very few if any ...
i.Scribe for Mac and Linux
3.5 freeware download... increases so does the accuracy of the bayesian filter. Until it reaches a maximum of about 98.5%. All the while producing very few if any ...
4.7.4 freeware downloadPodTrans is a free iPod transfer which is designed for transferring iPod music and everything to & from computer. Without bringing up bulky and tedious iTunes ...
freeware downloadmodTuner is a sophisticated automatic chromatic tuner suitable for tuning a wide range of musical instruments including guitars, basses, ukuleles, violins, violas and cellos. Its ...
1.0 freeware download... CSV file by right clicking on the particular filter. The custom user-made filters are the best and most useful feature of SEOSpyder. Try to compose ...