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MirrorJNDI Business
1.0 freeware download... objects in a hierarchical namespace. MirrorJNDI can store all it's data in XML or binary serialized ... create full copy of existing service provider's data Stores all data in XML or binary serialized form ...
JetPhoto Studio
4.15 freeware downloadJetPhoto Studio is a feature-rich and easy-to-use digital photo software JetPhoto Studio is also an efficient desktop photo organizer for flickr users. Edit tags, descriptions, ...
JetPhoto Studio for Mac
5.6 freeware downloadJetPhoto Studio for Mac is a feature-rich and easy-to-use digital photo software JetPhoto Studio is also an efficient desktop photo organizer for flickr users. Edit ...
Ogg Vorbis
1.3.6 freeware downloadOgg Vorbis is a fully open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose compressed audio format for mid to high quality (8kHz-48.0kHz, 16+ bit, polyphonic) audio and music at fixed ...
2.9.1 freeware download... simple to share projects, manage workflow, and securly store your work. And Celtx Script for the iPhone/iPad lets you write on the move, and sync ...
Portable Celtx freeware download... simple to share projects, manage workflow, and securly store your work. And Celtx Script for the iPhone/iPad lets you write on the move, and sync ...
Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop
7.3.3 freeware download... save pictures to Flickr Contacts * Store all your contacts in one place for all your accounts * Create groups and tags to ...
Google Chrome for Android
125.0.6422.165 freeware downloadChrome comes with the option to log into your Google account and sync your bookmarks and history across other devices. The application comes with the option ...
Virtual piano 2009
02.08 freeware download... conservatories. 2. The program allows to create and store a collection of the favourite timbres based on possibilities of a midi-synthesizer of a sound card ...
Flickr for iPhone
4.11.3 freeware download... find the app for free in the App Store. Join the largest, most influential community of photographers in the world. Upload, edit, and share ...
Encrypting Safe
1.1 freeware download... confidential manner. Idea: Some of us usually store some information such bank information,some special note... etc in HDD or Flash memory or even in ...
MailStore Home freeware download... PST, EML and other files All Emails Securely Stored in the Archive Emails can be lost due ... both your past and future emails are safely stored. Mobile Email Archive MailStore Home is also ...
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AD Photo Edit
2.6.1 freeware download... "thumbnailPhoto" Active Directory attribute that is used to store these images other than the command line tools included with Exchange 2010. AD Photo Edit is ...
PersonalBrain freeware download... your information in one place. Your Brain can store an unlimited amount of all kinds of information. Write notes for all your ideas. Save files, ...
2.5.10 freeware download... XOOPS uses a relational database (currently MySQL) to store data required for running a web-based content management system. - Fully Modularized Modules can be ...
1.31 freeware download... using an external program (Internet Explorer, Firefox ...). Store downloaded newspapers in folders named by date. Support of a large number of Algerian newspapers. Download ...
Google Chrome for iOS
125.0.6422.80 freeware downloadBrowse fast on your iPhone and iPad with the Google Chrome browser you love on desktop. Pick up where you left off on your other devices, ...
RealPlayer SP freeware downloadIt's social. It's portable. It's the new RealPlayer ® SP. And it's perfect for playing and sharing video with your friends and followers on Facebook and ...
cDrive freeware downloadStore your files fast & easy in the cloud with the new cDrive! cDrive works just like any mapped network drive. Once an upload is ...
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11.1.0 freeware download... integrating with an existing database, specifically MySQL, to store and manage metadata associated with PDF files. This ... the system, where they are automatically indexed and stored in the database. The software supports full-text search ...
avast! Mac Edition
13.4 freeware downloadavast! Free Antivirus will help you protect your Mac from all kind of security threats. avast! Free Antivirus comes with a Web Shield that will scan ...
5.2.0 freeware download... OS-X. FEATURES: · It's possible to store test kits measures and to get medium values, ... in graphs, for analysis. · It's possible to store information about maintenance activity. · You can store ...