open file dialog freeware downloads
Folder Menu (x32 bit) freeware download... quickly jump to your favorite folders in explorer, open/save dialog or command prompt. You can quickly jump to your favorite folders in explorer, open/save dialog or command prompt...and more. You can ...
Folder Menu (x64 bit) freeware download... quickly jump to your favorite folders in explorer, open/save dialog or command prompt. You can quickly jump to your favorite folders in explorer, open/save dialog or command prompt...and more. You can ...
Locate32 freeware downloadLocate32 finds files and directories based on file and folder names stored in a database. Locate32 saves to a database the names of all files on your hard drives. Once the file indexing ...
Locate32 64-bit freeware downloadLocate32 64-bit finds files and directories based on file and folder names stored in a database. Locate32 saves to a database the names of all files on your hard drives. Once the file indexing ...
FileBox eXtender (x32 bit)
2.01.00 freeware downloadFileBox eXtender enhances the Windows user interface in several ... while typing an E-mail in another program.) FileBox eXtender is a tool that helps you to ...
FileBox eXtender (x64 bit)
2.01.00 freeware downloadFileBox eXtender x64 enhances the Windows user interface in ... while typing an E-mail in another program.) FileBox eXtender for Windows x64 is a tool that ...
Unicode MySQL ADO Tutorial for Beginners
1.0 freeware downloadThis tutorial shows you how to make a Delphi application which manages a unicode database. Steps: - Create a new database from code - Create tables ...
GLE for Windows
4.2.4 freeware download... block to compute curve length * New CSV file reader with better error handling and wider CSV ... CSV data in graph blocks * QGLE export dialog remembers resolution and other settings * Better definition ...
GLE for Mac OS X
4.2.4 freeware download... block to compute curve length * New CSV file reader with better error handling and wider CSV ... CSV data in graph blocks * QGLE export dialog remembers resolution and other settings * Better definition ...
GLE for Linux
4.2.4 freeware download... block to compute curve length * New CSV file reader with better error handling and wider CSV ... CSV data in graph blocks * QGLE export dialog remembers resolution and other settings * Better definition ...
FileMenu Tools freeware downloadFileMenu Tools allows you to customise the context menu ... Add some built-in utilities that perform operations on files and folders. * Add customised commands which run ...
6.26 freeware download... MakaGiga is an application that can perform file import/export or backing up files into a zip file. MakaGiga's interface features custom colors, a tabbed view, ...
Makagiga Linux
6.26 freeware download... MakaGiga is an application that can perform file import/export or backing up files into a zip file. MakaGiga's interface features custom colors, a tabbed view, ...
Steganography X
1.0 freeware download... in menu bar, it encrypts the text and opens save dialog. To decrypt click on decrypt button, select the file from search window, and it saves the file ...
OpenDCL Studio freeware downloadOpenDCL is a handy, easy-to-use and accessible insturment that ... AutoCAD's limited DCL. They can replace the Dialog Control Language with a rich set of modern ...
1.9.5 freeware downloadGtranslator is an enhanced gettext po file editor for the GNOME desktop environment. It handles all forms of gettext po files and include very useful features like Find/Replace, Translation ...
Folder Size MG freeware download... will analyze your hard drives and display the file and folder sizes so that you can easily ... will display the sizes of the folders and files and also the percentage of the total disk ...
MDB Viewer Plus
2.63 freeware download... editor for Microsoft Access MDB and Accdb database files. It does not require an install to run ... to view, edit, filter, sort and search MDB files without having Microsoft Access installed. MDB Viewer ...
1.33 freeware downloadEach time that you open a file from Windows Explorer or from a standard open/save dialog-box, the name of the file that you opened is recorded by the operating ...
Vox for Mac OS X
3.3.19 freeware download... to enjoy your favorite music regardless of the file format. Vox is designed to automatically search ... drop zones, Finder contextual menu or the standard open dialog. Consequently, you can easily play various ...
subs2srs freeware downloadsubs2srs allows you to create import files for Anki or other Spaced Repetition Systems (SRS) ... are not perfectly synched. The multimedia Anki import file can include text, snapshots, audio clips, and video ...
Portable KeePass Password Safe
2.56 freeware downloadKeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage ... locked with one master key or a key file. So you only have to remember one single ...
1.12.6 RC 1 freeware downloadTortoiseCVS will let you work with files under CVS version control directly from Windows Explorer. ... commit and see differences by right clicking on files and folders within Explorer. You can see ...
Resource Extractor
1.0 freeware downloadResource Extractor extracts built-in resources from Win32 executable file types. Such resources are icons, bitmaps, sounds, animations, etc. You could use a file mask (For example: C:WINDOWS*.*) for batch processing. It ...
EraserDrop Portable
2.1.1 freeware download... icon on your desktop) that you can drop files onto to quickly erase them so they can ... a portable app so you can easily delete files on the go. Features: EraserDrop's target ...