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2.0.1 freeware download... for the E-MU Proteus 2000 sample based synthesizer family. Written in C++, using FLTK for it's user-interface and portmidi for MIDI communications, prodatum classic is ...
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Flash flip book theme of House ware
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6.7.11 freeware download... you can turn all your favorite vacation, wedding, family movies and other movies collection into the fantastic ... that you can share with your friends and family. Besides burning DVD-format discs, the Movie DVD Creator ...
Photozig Albums Express
1.0 freeware download... your camera, organize them and share with your family and friends – all in one program! Enhance: ... screensavers. Share: E-mail pictures to your friends and family. You can create photo galleries or blogs on ...
Free 3DPageFlip Flash Catalog Templates for Christmas
1.0 freeware download... to make merry and share the joy with family and friends! Let family and friends know that they are special to ...
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1.0 freeware download... reproductive portion of any flowering plant (i.e. angiosperm family). Flowers present a multitude of combinations of color, ... build your gift digital booklets, flower store catalogs, family photo gallery, eletronic story books. Download URL: homepage ...
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X-VCD Player
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AnvSoft Flash Slideshow Maker
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CD&DVD Label Maker
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Everyday Jigsaw
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0.6.7a freeware download... chat and share files with your friends and family, using a web-of-trust to authenticate peers and OpenSSL to encrypt all communication. RetroShare for Mac ...
Retroshare for Windows
0.6.7a freeware download... chat and share files with your friends and family, using a web-of-trust to authenticate peers and OpenSSL to encrypt all communication. RetroShare provides filesharing, ...