top freeware downloads
Process Explorer
17.05 freeware download... Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The top window always shows a list of the currently ... the handles that the process selected in the top window has opened; if Process Explorer is in ...
FileBox eXtender (x32 bit)
2.01.00 freeware download... FileBox enhancement is the "roll-up" button added to top level windows. When you click it, the window is "rolled up" leaving only its title bar ...
FileBox eXtender (x64 bit)
2.01.00 freeware download... FileBox enhancement is the "roll-up" button added to top level windows. When you click it, the window is "rolled up" leaving only its title bar ...
Moo0 WindowMenuPlus
1.24 freeware download... add extra menus there such as "Keep on Top", "Transparency Adjustment", "Process Priority Adjustment", "Various Information about ... Above Normal" on video players. - "Always on Top" would be very useful on calculator windows. - ...
Get Organized
1.09 freeware download... and convenience, allowing the punctual to stay on top of their schedule and the procrastinator to stay ... Events In addition to assignments, stay on top of your social life by recording events and ...
Get Organized for Mac OS X
1.09 freeware download... and convenience, allowing the punctual to stay on top of their schedule and the procrastinator to stay ... Events In addition to assignments, stay on top of your social life by recording events and ...
Counter-Strike 2D freeware download... by Valve®. You control your character from a top-down aerial perspective. An optional fog of war prevents that you are able to see through walls ...
1.21 freeware download... file quickly * keep the program 'Always on Top' of all other windows (Useful) * keep your program settings (in a XML file) ...
Firefox 4
128.0 / 129.0b1 Beta freeware download... later viewing, even offline. Security is a top priority for Mozilla, and Firefox is equipped with features like a built-in password manager, breach alerts, ...
4.0 freeware downloadGrindstone is a free app that lets you easily and accurately keep track of your time. Each thing that you have to work on is ...
Stereo Movie Maker
1.30a freeware download... window-violation. · Left-Right Image swap · Vertically-mirror the top, bottom or both movies and optionally save them. · Horizontally-mirror the left, right or both movies ...
2.38.04 freeware download... can set / reset the attribut "Always on Top" for each window. Windows to be moved or resized are held in a list in WinSize2. ...
TCP Optimizer
4.1.1 freeware downloadOptimizing your Internet connection takes time and requires a certain set of skills in order to be properly done. While it's not a must, you are ...
Portable Windows Elapsed Running Time
1.6.0 freeware download... the uptime always visible using the always on top option. It can show also the elapsed days/hours in the taskbar icon. ...
Gentoo Linux
12.1 freeware download... application or need. Extreme configurability, performance and a top-notch user and developer community are all hallmarks of the Gentoo experience. Thanks to a technology ...
1.12.6 RC 1 freeware download... the state of a file with overlays on top of the normal icons within Explorer. It even works from within the file open dialog. ...
5.5.5 freeware download... builds its graphic interface and plotting routines on top of the C++ libraries Qt and Qwt through their respective Python bindings PyQt and PyQwt. Nevertheless, ...
PyMCA for Mac OS X
5.5.5 freeware download... builds its graphic interface and plotting routines on top of the C++ libraries Qt and Qwt through their respective Python bindings PyQt and PyQwt. Nevertheless, ...
PyMCA for Linux
5.5.5 freeware download... builds its graphic interface and plotting routines on top of the C++ libraries Qt and Qwt through their respective Python bindings PyQt and PyQwt. Nevertheless, ...
Circular Layout
0.3 freeware download... on two circles. By default it draws the top four "high degree" nodes on an internal circle, with the remaining nodes on an external circle. ...
Talend Open Studio
8.0.1 freeware download... The Talend Open Studio Business Modeler uses a top-down approach that allows line-of-business stakeholders to get involved in the design of integration processes and to ...
Ultimate Windows Tweaker for Win 8 freeware download... in the left panel, and tabs on the top, in some categories. While you may be able to access all these via the Windows ...
OpenVPN Connect for iOS freeware download... assistance. In summary, OpenVPN Connect is a top-tier VPN client that combines ease of use, robust security, and high performance. Whether you're looking to ...
Portable Windows Elapsed Running Time
1.6.0 freeware download... the uptime always visible using the always on top option. It can show also the elapsed days/hours in the taskbar icon. ...
Windows Elapsed Running Time
1.6.0 freeware download... the uptime always visible using the always on top option. It can show also the elapsed days/hours in the taskbar icon. ...