folder monitor software freeware downloads
PCTuneUp Free Folder Monitor
5.1.7 freeware downloadYou want to monitor the content of particular folders? You want to monitor the modification of particular files? Then PCTuneUp Free Folder Monitor is what you need! This free folder ...
Free Folder Monitor
5.2.5 freeware downloadFree Folder Monitor is free file monitor software to auto-monitor the file, folders (sub-folders) and applications to detect file creation, modification, ... you to specify what types of changes to monitor and what kinds of notifications to display instantly ...
Directory Monitor Portable freeware downloadDirectory Monitor is an advanced application designed to help you keep an eye on a specific folder and get notified whenever a specific change occurs. You can use Directory Monitor for the surveillance of certain directories and will ...
Directory Monitor freeware downloadDirectory Monitor is an advanced application designed to help you keep an eye on a specific folder and get notified whenever a specific change occurs. You can use Directory Monitor for the surveillance of certain directories and will ...
Free File Monitor
6.2.7 freeware downloadFree File Monitor is a system utility that can persistently monitor all the folders including subfolders for newly added/deleted/changed files. It lets you easily monitor the software activities in your computer system. With ...
Cryptainer Lite Free Encryption Software freeware download... Lite is a totally free 448-bit disk encryption software. Simple, easy to use encryption application that creates ... of data in them. Cryptainer Lite Free Encryption Software allows you to encrypt any file or folder ...
Cryptainer Lite Free Encryption Software freeware download... Lite is a totally free 448-bit disk encryption software. Simple, easy to use encryption application that creates ... of data in them. Cryptainer Lite Free Encryption Software allows you to encrypt any file or folder ...
Perfect Webcam Monitor
4.8 freeware download... need to download and install our Perfect Webcam Monitor software. Second, you need to run it and choose ... computer. And the last step is to Run Monitoring, by clicking the appropriate button. Simple, isn't it? ...
Unpack Monitor
3.0 freeware downloadUnpack Monitor is a small application specially designed to scan given folders and extract rar files. Unpack Monitor is a solution to the annoying issue on ...
Stream Explorer
1.0.4 freeware download... in each file as they are listed per folder. When you select a directory entry, Stream Explorer will list all the streams in that entry, ...
1.3 freeware downloadF@H Monitor is a resizable Windows 10 gadget that will show Folding@Home tasks progress. The gadget has a really nice interface and it shows you ...
2.17.1777 freeware download... changes to your computer Tweakeze (tweak-easy) is a software tool designed to watch(monitor) changes on Microsoft Windows file system and Registry database. The application displays ...
Bvckup freeware download... that creates exact copies of your files and folders and then keeps them continuously in sync with ... * Real-time, periodic or manual backups Continuously monitor folders for changes and update their backup copies ...
PDF Compressor Server
2.0 freeware download... Compressor Server is a Windows application that can monitor one or more folders for newly added PDF files and compress them ... Area Network). With PDF Compressor Server, users can monitor network shared folders and compress PDF files instantly ...
CrashDump Extractor freeware download... put it another way, this application can help software authors transform raw crash dump files received from software users into bugs that need fixing. CrashDump Extractor ...
Simple Data Backup
10.5 freeware downloadFree, easy, and efficient backup software! It can back up folders/files from one drive to another anytime you want ... drive, flash drive, network drive, CD/DVD (if packet-writing software is installed) and more. It can ...
Disk Pulse
16.1.28 freeware downloadDiskPulse is a free and easy-to-use disk change monitoring utility allowing one to monitor one or more disks or directories and detect ... name. Disk Pulse is an intuitive piece of software developed for monitoring changes in directories or entire ...
1.6.0 freeware downloadClipMon is an application which monitors the clipboard and executes programs depending on the ... email addresses - the explorer for a detected folder or file path - [more things coming soon] ...
Process Guard for Developer
1.0 freeware download... is a redistributable executable file that used to monitor your application process, once your application is crashed ... the distributable executable file (tssi-pgd.exe) into your application folder, and execute it when your own program starts, ...
WinExt Free
30.0 freeware download... size, type, date modified and date created. 9. Monitor the operations for Windows automatically, such as 'Deleted', 'Renamed', 'Created' and 'Modified' actions of files and folders. 10. Select some resources (files / folders) first, ...
1.95.400.0 freeware download... full ICC color management with support for profiled monitors, instant zooming and copy/move/delete functions, plus industry-standard Adobe ... most Nikon and recent Canon DSLRs. The software supports fast previewing of raw image formats such ...
FastPictureViewer x64
1.95.400.0 freeware download... full ICC color management with support for profiled monitors, instant zooming and copy/move/delete functions, plus industry-standard Adobe ... most Nikon and recent Canon DSLRs. The software supports fast previewing of raw image formats such ...
Personal Backup freeware download... by Juergen Rathlev, is a robust and versatile software designed to safeguard your valuable data through efficient ... and settings. 2. **Flexible Backup Options:** The software offers a wide range of backup options, allowing ...
Synkron for Mac
1.5.2 freeware download"Sync Folders" is a versatile and user-friendly software developed by NataljaNeumann, designed to streamline the process of synchronizing folders across various devices and storage locations. This tool ...
10.1d freeware download... yellow notes I was leaving stuck to my monitor. It is a computerised version of those notes. ... be attached to a web site, document or folder so they only show when it's on screen ...