text to speech engines freeware downloads

Free Text To Speech MP3

4.5.6 freeware download

Free Text To Speech MP3 can also convert text to audio files like MP3, WAV and some ... backup and share. is able to convert your text from PDF files, webpages, ebooks, Office files and ...

Portable Balabolka freeware download

... by Ilya Morozov, is a versatile and user-friendly text-to-speech (TTS) software that stands out in the crowded ... for various file formats. It can read aloud text from DOCX, EPUB, HTML, MOBI, ODT, PDF, and ...

5 freeware award

Osmosis Beta freeware download

Osmosis TTS is a Text-to-Speech application with a built in browser and the ability to easily search for terms in the text using configurable search providers including search engines and ...


1.72 freeware download

DSpeech is a TTS (Text To Speech) program with functionality of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) integrated. It is able to to read aloud the written text and choose the sentences to be pronounced based ...


2.7.3 freeware download

... used in IVR scenario. TekIVR can also read-out texts using TTS (Text-to-Speech) engine and recognize user input via speech recognition. You can use Speech Synthesis Markup Language ...

Voice Translator - Alive

1.3 freeware download

... the world's first translation app with 5 translate engines integrated. It includes Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Baidu and Youdao translate engines inside one app. Different translate engines are good ...