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PCTuneUp Free Keylogger
5.1.7 freeware download... and detect popular chats and instant messengers (MSN, AOL, GTalk, Skype, Yahoo messenger, ICQ, AIM, and so on). With our invisible keylogger, you can easily ...
Messenger Password Decryptor
11.0 freeware download... * Google Talk * Windows Live Messenger * AOL Messenger (AIM) * Digsby * PaltalkScene * MSN Messenger * Trillian * Trillian Astra * Pidgin ...
Wise Free Keylogger
8.8.1 freeware download... LAN application or Internet instant messenger like MSN, AOL, GTalk, Skype, Yahoo messenger, ICQ, AIM, etc. Forward generated log reports with all the details you ...
TC Email Extractor
2.0 freeware downloadEmail Extractor Plus is free all-in-one email harvester software. It is a simple and ultimate tool created to harvest mail addresses, phones skype and any custom ...
Clean Email
1.0 freeware download... - Gmail, iCloud, Yahoo, Fastmail, Outlook, Hotmail, Office365, AOL, or any IMAP service. ...