and binary to freeware downloads
Release 1182 freeware download... FinFamily is currently available in English, Finnish, Swedish and German. All program texts are located conveniently in two Excel files and creating new language versions is a very straightforward ...
Open Song Composer
0.98 freeware download... the major modes. Can generate bass, rhythm, harmony, and two melodies. You can specify the voice for each part. You can specify most time signatures. ...
DeEgger Embedder
1.3.1 freeware download... them. It takes a file of any kind, and merges it's binary (1s and 0s) with the binary of any media file (.avi, .jpg, .mp3, .mp4, ...
ADRC Hard Disk Hex Editor
1.01 freeware download... Editor is a free page by page mode binary sector editor that allow you to access and edit any sector location of logical or physical ... with novice users in mind to access the binary contents of disk media directly. It has ...
2.27.2 freeware download... comprises Java-based command-line utilities that manipulate SAM files, and a Java API (SAM-JDK) for creating new programs that read and write SAM files. Both SAM text format and ...
0.80 freeware download... files) / Fixed length Flat files (Text / Binary) / Delimited files. It use a record-layout (Cobol, ... for creating XML record-layouts from a sample file and a Compare utility (that uses the layout in ...
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler
8.6.5 freeware download... is packaged for a number of operating systems and distributions. While they may lag behind the latest GHC release, advantages such as dependency checking and ease of uninstallation mean we recommend using them ...
2.22.6 freeware download... application for the users that need to view and to analyze the data about earthquakes stored in ... can also view the content of CWP, CGG and CST files in order to examine the data.You ...
10.5.240617 freeware download... · Full IPFIX support: PEN (Private Enterprise Numbers) and Variable length encoding. · Support for IPv4 and v6. · Limited memory footprint (less that 2 MB of memory regardless of the network size) and CPU savvy. · Ability to natively save flows ...
Japplis Toolbox
6.0 freeware download... text utilities in one application. It can encode and decode URL, Base64, Hex, ROT13, ROT47, Java unicode, Volapuk. It can convert numbers from/to binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal and to date. It gives ...
Copay for Mac OS X
9.3.7 freeware download... a secure bitcoin wallet platform for both desktop and mobile devices. Copay uses Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS) for peer synchronization and network interfacing. Binary versions of Copay are ...
Active Disk Editor
23.0.1 freeware download... simple, low-level disk viewer which displays information in binary and text modes at the same time. You can ... The Main Features: Enhanced template view; Side-by-side Compare and Edit; Fields coloring with data in tooltips; Extensive ...
CrcCheckCopy - compare folders by CRC
2.1 freeware download... folders. It generates a CRC32 for each file and stores it in one checksum file. This small ... same folder hierarchy. The files are compared in binary mode. ...
ImLab for Windows
2.3.4 freeware download... Scientific Image Processing that runs in Windows, Linux and many other UNIX systems. It supports multiple windows, ... including 32 bit integers, 32 bit real numbers and complex numbers. It is implemented in C++ and ...
ImLab for Linux
2.3.4 freeware download... for Scientific Image Processing that runs in Linux and many other UNIX systems. It supports multiple windows, ... including 32 bit integers, 32 bit real numbers and complex numbers. It is implemented in C++ and ...
nProbe for Linux
10.5.240617 freeware download... Main nProbe Features: Available for Linux, Windows, and embedded environments ARM and MIPS/MIPSEL. Layer-7 application visibility (250+ applications including Skype, BitTorrent and Citrix). Layer-7 application propagation in exported flows to ...
5.15.10 freeware download... bindings for The Qt Company's Qt application framework and runs on all platforms supported by Qt including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android. PyQt6 supports Qt v6, PyQt5 supports Qt ...
HiPER Calc
2.3.2 freeware downloadHiPER Calc is lightweight, portable and allows you to customize its interface as well ... features include up to a hundred decimal places and 9 digits of exponent, landscape and portrait window ...
0.3.0 freeware download... to incorporate OpenCL source code into their programs and who want to verify their OpenCL code actually ... building an OpenCL application, you write "normal" code and OpenCL code. The normal code gets checked by ...
2.9.0 freeware download... random pool to gather entropy from user inputs and system parameters. Offers text encryption, too. Notable Features: Free and Open-Source software Uses up-to-date cryptography (AES, SHA-2) Unobtrusive: ...
PWGen Portable
2.8.0 freeware download... random pool to gather entropy from user inputs and system parameters. Offers text encryption, too. Notable Features: Free and Open-Source software Uses up-to-date cryptography (AES, SHA-2) Unobtrusive: ...
0.54 freeware download... features of Qfsm are: * Drawing, editing and printing of diagrams * Binary, ASCII and "free text" condition codes * Integrity check * ... * Diagram export in the formats: EPS, SVG, and PNG * State table export in Latex, HTML ...
KeyLord for Windows
6 freeware download... keys etc.) in a tree, search through it and store it in secure encrypted file (industry-standard AES ... is used). You can store any data including binary files inside of the tree structure. Data records ...
4.0.5749 freeware download... or "state machines", quick execution of the P-code and a good interface to "native" functions. These features ... a good scripting language for games, multimedia applications and embedded software (for which scripting is needed). ...
Stud_PE freeware download... developed as an accessible portable Executables (.exe) editor and features a very user-friendly interface. Stud_Pe also features an extensive list of settings and editing options. Now you can view and edit ...