columns freeware downloads
dupeGuru Music Edition
4.1.1 freeware download... everything dupeGuru does, but it has more information columns (such as bitrate, duration, tags, etc..) and more scan types (filename with fields, tags and audio ...
dupeGuru Music Edition for Mac OS X
4.1.1 freeware download... everything dupeGuru does, but it has more information columns (such as bitrate, duration, tags, etc..) and more scan types (filename with fields, tags and audio ...
dupeGuru Music Edition for Linux
4.1.1 freeware download... everything dupeGuru does, but it has more information columns (such as bitrate, duration, tags, etc..) and more scan types (filename with fields, tags and audio ...
4.6.0 freeware download... through a single model of the schemas, tables, columns and relationships. ...
PageFlip Free PDF to Powerpoint
2.7 freeware download... version. It preserves the original layout of text, columns, tables, and even hyperlinks of PDF files to PowerPoint presentation. There's no need to retype or ...
3DPageFlip PDF Editor
1.0 freeware download... modification. The interface is user-friendly with several classified columns to guide your editing. Each column includes detailed setting functions. With3DPageFlip PDF Editor, you will never ...
Hexonic ImageToPDF
1.1.0 freeware download... pictures on one page: Set the number of columns and rows per page - Create bookmarks: For each picture, a bookmark with the filename is ...
Lighten PDF to Word Free Edition
3.0.2 freeware downloadLighten PDF to Word Free Edition is designed for turning native PDF files into fully editable Word documents. It can accurately and quickly preserve original formatting ...
Matrix 3D Screensaver
1.0 freeware download... film. Green characters are running vertically down in columns on the black background. You will be impressed by our emulation of green matrix code falling ...
PostgreSQL to MySQL Converter
1.0.1 freeware download... of records. Optional drop tables. Option add new columns. Optional transfer of default values in field definitions. Identifies and transfers auto number field types. High ...
FM Free PDF To Word Converter
3.22 freeware download... and convert paragraphs, tables, bullets, numbered lists, newspaper columns, and other standard document formatting features. It is free for any use! ...
Free HTML Slideshow Creator OnGal10
25.0.7 freeware download... the next step you can determine how many columns of pictures you want on your page and even the size of the thumbnails. A slideshow ...
Freeware SQLite Viewer
3.0 freeware download... Supported components include; tables, indexes, views, triggers, and columns. There are no limits imposed by the SQLite Viewer software regarding the database file size. A ...
2.4 freeware downloadMainly a conversion tool which reads Avi,Gif and Mpgs and converts them to an unique Bmp or Png with all frames from the original animation. Really ...
SQL Column Search freeware downloadIdentify potentially sensitive data in SQL Server tables: Find potentially sensitive data. Search an entire instance or a particular table. Includes 45 pre-configured sensitive data search ...
2009.02 freeware download... * File filters for display * User defined columns for detailed view * DOS command line * Multiple language support ...
1.1 freeware download... built-in viewer. Any table may be sorted by columns in any order. Find-command locates the row of a table containing the regular occurrence of the ...
Shead Spreet
3.5 freeware download... also insert timestamps, barcodes, locations; you can resize columns, freeze rows or column headers and even use colors. Why is Spread Sheet famous? ...
Adobe Reader XI
11.0.10 freeware download... out loud or change the reading order of columns. Do more with PDF services One click in Adobe Reader XI takes you to ...
3.1.2 freeware download... playlists at the same time * Shows multiple columns: title, artist, album, genre, length, track number… * Can be sorted by any of the columns * Columns can be hidden for simplicity * ...
2.2.3 freeware download... * import; * change separator; * add, delete columns; * rearrange column order; * save selection of rows and columns; * save filtered items; * save with double ...
Portable CSVed
2.2.3 freeware download... * import; * change separator; * add, delete columns; * rearrange column order; * save selection of rows and columns; * save filtered items; * save with double ...
Process Monitor
4.01 freeware download... user and session ID * Configurable and moveable columns for any event property * Filters can be ... any data field, including fields not configured as columns * Advanced logging architecture scales to tens of ...
Excel Serial Data Writer
4.0.70 B502 freeware download... OpenOffice Calc or LibreOffice Calc by rows or columns; You may specify any start point (e.g. B6) ... plugin can write several parser variables to different columns or rows at the same time; The plugin ...
eMule Plus
1.2e freeware download... implementation [Aw3] CHANGE: extended processing to auto-resize list columns on the transfer window [Aw3] CHANGE: don't autoconnect before loading ipfilter.dat [KuSh] CHANGE: save A4AF sources ...