fractal explorer freeware downloads
Mandelbrot Explorer
3.0 freeware downloadMandelbrot Explorer is Freeware software, allowing the exploration of the ... can magnify selected areas of any of these fractal images – up to a massive magnification of ...
Mandelbrot Explorer
3.4 freeware downloadA free Mandelbrot and Julia Set explorer with many features: (i) save regions being explored, ... zooming out from any start point. (iv) explore fractals at random, with the program choosing the next ...
Fractice freeware downloadFractice is a free, open-source fractal explorer/renderer for XP/Vista/Win7. Its basic features include navigation, previews, ... color cycling, batch rendering, and job control. The fractals currently supported are the Mandelbrot and Mandelbar sets, ...
PC Wizard
2015 2.14 freeware download... video-disc, wave) & ACM SAPI Passwords (Outlook, Internet Explorer, MSN Messenger, Dialup ...) DOS Memory (base, HMA, ... 16-bits) & NT Services Internet Navigator (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, FireFox) .NET Global Assembly Cache (GAC) ...