decimal freeware downloads
InchPro Decimal
1.0.0 freeware downloadInchPro Decimal is free program for conversion inches between all ... converting units in online mode. The program InchPro Decimal has versions for OS Linux and Windows but ...
1.1.0 freeware download... is a simple tool for for manipulating bitwise decimal numbers. It also includes support for custom profiles which can set the visibility and label for ...
2.1 freeware download... that supply Constants and Mathematical Routines for the Decimal Type supplied by the Framework. FEATURES: Full C# source is included as well as ...
EsbDecimals Portable
2.1 freeware download... that supply Constants and Mathematical Routines for the Decimal Type supplied by the Framework. FEATURES: Full C# source is included as well as ...
1.2.2 freeware downloadConverber is a unit converter. It is a powerful software utility that will help make easy conversions between 1173 various units of measure in 32 categories. ...
Numerical Systems Calculator
1.3 freeware download... That's what makes this application. You can mix decimal binary, octal and hexadecimal arithmetic using the symbols "+, -, *, /". But let's start doing ...
Numerical Systems Calculator Portable
1.3 freeware download... That's what makes this application. You can mix decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal arithmetic operations using the symbols "+, -, *, /,^,". You can put ...
2.0 freeware download... regular English text into Binary, Hexadecimal, or Octal decimal code. You can use as a reference, or ... text files to convert Convert from Binary, Octal, Decimal, or Hex to regular ascii text and vice ...
BinaryCrypt 64-bit
2.0 freeware download... regular English text into Binary, Hexadecimal, or Octal decimal code. You can use as a reference, or ... text files to convert Convert from Binary, Octal, Decimal, or Hex to regular ascii text and vice ...
BHD Converter Portable freeware download... convert between the numeric systems binary, hexadecimal, and decimal with the click of a button ...
Numerical Systems Converter
1.2 freeware download... conversions to others numerical systems. Numerical systems enabled: decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal. ...
Numerical Systems Converter Portable
1.2 freeware download... conversions to others numerical systems. Numerical systems enabled: decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal. ...
Random Number Generator
1.4 freeware downloadA simple application that generates random integers or decimal numbers with a set of user-defined options. The ... you to easily and randomly generate integers and decimal numbers that find themselves within an interval set ...
2.1.20 freeware download... displays the color code in web Hex and decimal Red, Green, Blue, along with the color compliment. ... Display color codes in web hex and RBG decimal; also the color complement - ColorPix can also ...
KS Calculator
1.05 freeware download... which supports operations with numbers in Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal formats, operates with expressions and mathematical functions, like: Sin, Cos, Tan, ArcTan, Exp, Ln, ...
Comm Operator Pal freeware download... UDP and HTTP. It supports data in Text, Decimal and Hex format. Data can be sent in list automatically. Single data can be sent repeatedly. ...
Comm Echo
1.1 freeware download... displays all received data in Text, Hex or Decimal format. It lists all available serial port on computer automatically. ...
Windows Error Lookup Tool
3.0.7 freeware download... is a simple tool which will display either decimal, hex, HRESULT, NTSTATUS, and STOP error codes. Type in an error code and WELT will display ...
3.2.6a freeware download... that rely on binary floating-point arithmetic, Free42 employs decimal floating-point arithmetic, ensuring that calculations are performed with a high degree of precision. This is particularly ...
Metric Clock
1.9 freeware downloadMetric Clock is a small Windows gadget that will show current time in metric system. Metric time is the measure of time interval using the metric ...
PartCopy freeware download... enter the start position and length in either decimal or hexadecimal values. Buttons also allow you to ... to enter the start position and length in decimal and hexadecimal values. * Fast track buttons to ...
Color Cop
5.4.5 freeware download... color complementary palette. Color Cop will convert RGB decimal values to Hexadecimal color codes. It has color code support for HTML Hex, Delphi Hex, PowerBuilder, ...
Romaco Calculator
1.1.0 freeware download... aware that whereas Romaco Calculator does not support decimal input, it can create them when displaying the result. ...
4.0.73 B816 freeware download... use. Supports different data types (string, date, time, decimal, float and boolean), arithmetic and boolean operators, multiple levels of brackets, built-in math, string, boolean functions ...
HiPER Calc
2.3.2 freeware download... precision. Its features include up to a hundred decimal places and 9 digits of exponent, landscape and ... many functions. Calculator has up to 100 decimal places and 9 places of exponent. Looks like ...