program access freeware downloads
Windows Access Panel
1.0 freeware downloadWindows Access Panel v 1.0 is meant to minimize your trouble in accessing such programs. It has been tested on Windows 7 & ... as a portable application. Place it in your Programs Files and Pin its shortcut to your Start ...
Ant Access Viewer
1.1.3 freeware downloadAnt Access Viewer allows to view, edit, export data from a Microsoft Access database (.mdb file). Uses ADO and MDAC. All ... to choose the MDB file you want Ant Access Viewer to modify. Program that allows to view, ...
Graph construction program
3.2.0 freeware downloadGraph construction program is a handy application that was created in ... on values of certain time period queried from Access database. ...
NTFS Access
2.5 freeware downloadNTFS Access can: -set folder/file owner, -set full access rights to a given folder/file, -give permissions recursively. ... you're using Windows system and you lost the access to your files or folders (for example, after ...
Fast Folder Access
2.0 freeware downloadFast Folder Access is a shell enhancement that gives you quick ... Windows Explorer, the desktop and the Start Button.You access the Fast Folder menu by right-clicking anywhere in ...
ISP Programmer freeware downloadThis software supports programming of Atmel microcontrollers 89Sxx ('51), ATtiny, ATmega and ... and EEPROM memories as well as read and program them. ISP Programmer also supports serial Atmel DataFlash ...
2.7.5 freeware downloadRasMol is a program for molecular graphics visualisation originally developed by Roger ... tools. When a scientific tool exists as software, access to source code is an important element in ...
1.31 freeware download... to enable you to download and get easy access to Algerian newspapers available on the net in ... newspaper on the hard drive with an external program (Adobe Reader, Foxit Reader ...). Open the official ...
SlickRun freeware download... utility for Windows. SlickRun gives you almost instant access to any program or website. SlickRun allows you to create command ... SlickRun is a tool that helps you access any website. Enter a web URL into ...
PCAA freeware downloadThe program complex 'Accounting of Admissions' is intended for the ... persons, and also the driving/leaving motor transport. The program complex mostly is intended for installation and operation ...
4.95 Build 121212 freeware downloadTinkerTool is an application that gives you access to additional preference settings Apple has built into ... professional networks where users have restricted permissions. The program will never change any component of the operating ...
5.1.0 freeware download... utility that you can use to deploy any program with a simple click. This original launcher can ... click away from starting your favorite apps! Access all your favorite applications and files with only ...
Shead Spreet
3.5 freeware downloadShead Spreet is a basic spreadsheet program for the Google's Android OS, which runs on ... available through the Android Market, which is directly accessible from Android devices when they have a network ...
DTM Dashboard
1.03.05 freeware download... update tools by one click. Provide once click access to online helps. Operate with stored connections: export and import. Provide quick access to database data with DTM Data Editor. Allow ...
1.23.0 freeware download... quickly connected to your online PC. You can access all your work whether you're at home, work, ... whatsoever so it's impossible for anyone else to access your data if you share a machine with ...
MSN Messenger
7.0 freeware downloadMSN Messenger is an instant messaging program that lets you send instant messages to your ... profiles of other people in your conversation. Access useful information. You can rearrange the tabs ...
1 Click & Go
1.2996 freeware download... works as a Windows toolbar designed for easy access, open and execute files and folders that you often use. Program similar well-known Microsoft Office Panel, but not lose ...
8.0.120 freeware download... a simple yet powerful client for searching Microsoft Access databases. Originally developed in 1998 for Office 97. ... easiest way to search and extract data from Access databases, run multiple network users all searching information ...
1.0.3 freeware downloadAllows you to modify the access rights for the CD/DVD/BD devices BurnRights is a ... and portable app that lets you modify users' access to CD, DVD and BD devices. It can ...
4.0 freeware downloadWindows 8 has new Quick Access Menu (Win+X Menu) feature using which you can ... several tasks. WinPlusX will bring Windows 8 quick access menu feature (Win+X Menu) in your XP, Vista ...
Anvide Lock Folder
3.27 freeware downloadLittle does not require the installation of software for instant folders password protection. It helps securely hide sensitive data on hard drives and removable media. At ...
Shortcuts To Tray
1.0.2 freeware downloadShortcuts To Tray is a tool for quick access to your favorite links and shortcuts from the system tray. The program keeps your favorite links and shortcuts to files, ...
PINs freeware downloadPINs is a free feature-rich Windows program for safe and comfortable storing of any secure ... are not crackable. The password used for securing access to stored data is not saved anywhere. ...
YPOPs! freeware downloadYPOPs! is a Windows, Linux, Solaris and Mac program providing POP3 access to Yahoo! Mail. YPOPs! is a free open source software that provides POP3 and SMTP access to Yahoo! Mail. You can use your favourite ...
11.6.1 freeware downloadPhotoFiltre is a complete image retouching program. It allows you to do simple or advanced ... an easy learning curve. The toolbar, giving you access to the standard filters with just a few ...