an freeware downloads
7.0.3 freeware downloadJubler is a tool to edit text-based subtitles. It can be used as an authoring software for new subtitles or as a tool to convert, transform, ...
Jubler for Mac OS X
7.0.3 freeware downloadJubler is a tool to edit text-based subtitles. It can be used as an authoring software for new subtitles or as a tool to convert, transform, ...
Imagelys Picture Styles
11.19.0 freeware downloadImagelys Picture Styles is a way of creating an unlimited number of professional quality graphic images in a minimal amount of time. You can create texture ...
FreePOPs for Windows
0.2.9 freeware downloadTranslates local POP3 requests to remote HTTP actions on the supported webmails FreePOPs is an easily extensible program, which allows access to the most varied ...
FreePOPs for Mac OS X
0.2.9 freeware downloadTranslates local POP3 requests to remote HTTP actions on the supported webmails FreePOPs is an easily extensible program, which allows access to the most varied ...
1.6.6 freeware downloadArpCacheWatch monitors Windows ARP cache and allows to send an ARP request to obtain the physical address that corresponds to the specified destination IP address. The ...
Altova Authentic Enterprise Edition
v2025 freeware downloadAltova Authentic Enterprise Edition is an advanced WYSIWYG XML and database content editor that allows non-technical users to view and edit data in XML documents and ...
Portable foobar2000 0.9.6
2.1.4 freeware downloadInstalling in portable mode only extracts the installer content and creates additional files that tell foobar2000 to store any configuration data in its installation folder as ...
1.07 freeware downloadSimple tool to display an hex dump of the header (first 256 bytes) of a file. It's designed with the non skilled PC user in mind, ...
2.9.1 freeware downloadLingoes is an easy-to-use dictionary and text translation software. It offers lookup dictionaries, text translation, cursor translator, index list and pronunciation of word in over 60 ...
Portable Gridy
0.72 freeware downloadGridy adds an invisible grid to Windows, so that any window you move or resize is snapped to it.Snapping is enabled with mouse drag or keyboard ...
FileHamster freeware downloadRestoring an old backup copy just isn't enough anymore! File Hamster represents the next evolutionary leap and allows you to restore your documents to any ...
0.6.4 freeware downloadAbout : Avi2Dvd is a GUI in order to convert with just one click an Avi/Ogm/Mkv/Dvd to Dvd/Svcd/Vcd. This utility uses only freeware software . Supports ...
2.5.1 freeware downloadWhat is AccountLogon? The internet is rapidly becoming an essential part of our everyday lives. We use it for banking, email, shopping and many other ...
FireFloo Commuicator
1.0 beta freeware downloadFireFloo is an instant messaging communicator combining the open XMPP standard (Jabber, GMail Chat etc.) with the echo protocol for multi-encrypted messaging. Use various methods to ...
1.2.0 freeware downloadAvogadro is an advanced molecular editor designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science and related areas. It offers a flexible rendering ...
3.5.0 freeware downloadFeyExtractor is a audio-assistant software that focuses mainly on tasks such as ripping and converting audio files which means it allows you to convert the huge ...
SPAM Shredder
3.1 freeware downloadSPAM Shredder is an anti-spam email client that automatically classifies incoming emails as spam or non-spam. SPAM Shredder is a spam filtering software that lets you ...
5.2.1 freeware downloadTeamTalk is a voice and video enabled conferencing system which enables a group of people to collaborate and share information. Every member of a group can ...
eBooksWriter LITE Italiano
2016.7.7 freeware downloadItalian edition. Create ebooks with ease with this FREE tool. An all-in-one visual environment, not just a compiler! Can output a standalone EXE with one click, ...
Email Flooder
1.0.4 freeware downloadEmail Flooder is a small, easy to use, handy application specially designed to offer users an email flooder for Gmail sending constructed entirely in Visual Basic ...
Flipping Book 3D for Photo
2.8 freeware downloadFlipping Book 3D for Photo is a 100% free digital photo flipbook publisher software program turn your digital photos into online flash photo albums with True ...
Amazing Slider
1.5 freeware downloadAmazing Slider is an easy-to-use Windows & Mac app for creating professional and responsive jQuery image video slideshow, jQuery video gallery and WordPress slider plugin. The ...
All Travel Checklists
1.52 freeware downloadYou need to carefully plan your vacation to have only sweet memories when it is over. This is especially true when you travel to the country ...