an freeware downloads
Flip PDF to Word - Freeware
2.7 freeware PDF to Word Converter Free is an accurate and totally free PDF to Word utility to help you convert PDF files to editable Word documents. ...
1.0.405 freeware downloadInstant Messenger provides user with an easy way to chat with friends from many popular networks in one integrated program. Supported IM networks are ICQ, AOL, ...
2.12 freeware downloadShowTx is an auto-sizing plain text viewer that allows editing and saving the text. ShowTx is ideal for use in batch processes or as "Send To" ...
iSlide freeware downloadiSlide is an all-in-one plug-in based on Mircrosoft PowerPoint. Professional and easy-to-use. 12 main features: 1. One-click Optimization A variety of parameterized settings allow you to ...
File Manager Advance
1.0 freeware downloadPuzzle File Manager Advance is an advanced and easy-to-use file management tool available for free on windows pc. It enables you to automate the process of ...
2.5b freeware downloadTrayBackup automates the backup of files and folders (including subfolders). Every entry has its own destination path. Source path can be included into the destination path. ...
2009.02 freeware downloadFreeCommander is an easy-to-use alternative to the standard windows file manager. The program helps you with daily work in Windows. Here you can find all the ...
EagleGet freeware downloadEagleGet is an application that assists users in downloading files in a fast and productive way. It splits items into multiple parts and transfers them simultaneously, ...
Kalkules freeware downloadKalkules is an universal scientific freeware calculator with an amount of untraditional functions, which can be used particularly by high school or university students. It also ...
Portable Kalkules freeware downloadKalkules is an universal scientific freeware calculator with an amount of untraditional functions, which can be used particularly by high school or university students. It also ...
4.1.0 freeware downloadObjeck is an object-oriented computing language with functional features. The language has ties with C#, Pascal and Scheme. In this language all data types, except for ...
2.0 B2306 freeware downloadGoozzee's goal is to offer an easy-to-use knowledge management solution, suitable for small teams or companies. Unlike most existing knowledge management software, Goozzee's classification system isn't ...
Goozzee for Linux
1.2 freeware downloadGoozzee's goal is to offer an easy-to-use knowledge management solution, suitable for small teams or companies. Unlike most existing knowledge management software, Goozzee's classification system isn't ...
0.92 freeware downloadFXiTe is an advanced cross-platform text editor. It features built-in syntax highlighting for 40+ languages, an embedded Lua scripting engine, macro recording and playback, multi-line regular ...
FXiTe for Linux
0.92 freeware downloadFXiTe is an advanced cross-platform text editor. It features built-in syntax highlighting for 40+ languages, an embedded Lua scripting engine, macro recording and playback, multi-line regular ...
5.0.20211.51073 freeware downloadHave you ever found yourself wondering how Microsoft Internet Explorer interacts with your Web application? Have you encountered a strange performance bottleneck that you can't track ...
2.1.21 freeware downloadHuggle is an anti-vandalism tool for use on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. In addition to the license shown here, all source code is released ...
11.0 freeware downloadProcDump is a command-line utility whose primary purpose is monitoring an application for CPU spikes and generating crash dumps during a spike that an administrator or ...
0.7.20 freeware downloadEditra is a text editor which has an implementation that focuses on creating an easy-to-use interface and features that aid in code development. Currently this application ...
EverNote for iOS
10.93.0 freeware downloadLet Evernote change the way you organize your personal and professional projects. Dive in: take notes, create to-do lists, and save things you find online into ...
1.5 freeware downloadAuto-recompile is a small emacs add-on which allows you to fix compilation errors faster. It does this by continously compiling the program you are working on ...
Free Color Picker
1.0 freeware downloadFree Color Picker is a program that lets you capture the color of any pixel displayed on the screen. To capture a color, just move the ...
Bamboo Paper freeware downloadBamboo Paper might come with what seems like a rather shallow set of features, but used with a stylus makes you realize it contains just the ...
DVDx for Mac OS X freeware downloadDVDx 4.0 is an audio/video encoder as well as a powerful DVD copier. You can read DVDs and quiet any audio or video files and encode ...
DVDx for Linux freeware downloadDVDx 4.0 is an audio/video encoder as well as a powerful DVD copier. You can read DVDs and quiet any audio or video files and encode ...