batch file compiler freeware downloads
GoldenSharp freeware download... small and easy to use C# IDE + compiler. Best for fast implementations of small console applications - extend your tools beyond windows batch files. Ultra Rapid Tools Development Imagine that ...
Advanced BAT to EXE Converter
4.23 freeware download... the following unique features: Convert and Compile any batch file to windows executable. Advanced commands including use of Mouse Buttons in batch files. Disable Windows10 QuickEdit mode. Invisible Mode will ...
Advanced BAT to EXE Converter
4.62 freeware download... the following unique features: Convert and Compile any batch file to windows executable. Advanced commands including use of Mouse Buttons in batch files. Disable Windows10 QuickEdit mode. Invisible Mode will ...
NCandE Full
1.6 freeware downloadNotepad++ Compiler and Executor (NCandE) grants the popular Notepad++ text editor the capability to compile and run Ada, Batch, C, C++, D, Java, Lua and Python code. ...
NCandE Portable
1.6 freeware downloadNotepad++ Compiler and Executor (NCandE) portable grants the popular Notepad++ ... editor the capability to compile and run Ada, Batch, C, C++, D, Java, Lua and Python code. ...
Bat To Exe Converter
3.2 freeware download... To Exe Converter can convert BAT (.bat) script files to the EXE (.exe) format. Features - Extended ... Executables with administrator priviliges - Inclusion of additional files, folders, icon and version information - Creation of ...
3.30.1 freeware download... run in either a GUI-driven mode, or a batch mode. Finally, jHepWork takes the full advantage of ... AIDA data formats. Finally, it uses several platform-neutral file formats, including the compressed Google's Protocol Buffers format. ...
Resource Extractor
1.0 freeware downloadResource Extractor extracts built-in resources from Win32 executable file types. Such resources are icons, bitmaps, sounds, animations, etc. You could use a file mask (For example: C:WINDOWS*.*) for batch processing. It ...