sharing freeware downloads
Windows Live Messenger
2012 16.4.3508.0205 freeware download... while you chat Liven up your chats by sharing photos, watching videos, or playing Messenger games together. Be sure to post your scores. Chat ...
Google Chrome 21
21.0.1180.79 freeware download... masquerades as someone else to trick you into sharing personal or other sensitive information with them, usually through a fake website. Malware, on the other ...
Google Chrome 15
15.0.874.121 freeware download... masquerades as someone else to trick you into sharing personal or other sensitive information with them, usually through a fake website. Malware, on the other ...
Google Chrome 16
16.0.912.77 freeware download... masquerades as someone else to trick you into sharing personal or other sensitive information with them, usually through a fake website. Malware, on the other ...
Google Chrome 17
17.0.963.78 freeware download... masquerades as someone else to trick you into sharing personal or other sensitive information with them, usually through a fake website. Malware, on the other ...
Google Chrome 14
14.0.835.202 freeware download... masquerades as someone else to trick you into sharing personal or other sensitive information with them, usually through a fake website. Malware, on the other ...
Google Chrome 13
13.0.782.220 freeware download... masquerades as someone else to trick you into sharing personal or other sensitive information with them, usually through a fake website. Malware, on the other ...
Google Chrome 12
12.0.742.122 freeware download... masquerades as someone else to trick you into sharing personal or other sensitive information with them, usually through a fake website. Malware, on the other ...
Google Chrome 11
11.0.696.71 freeware download... masquerades as someone else to trick you into sharing personal or other sensitive information with them, usually through a fake website. Malware, on the other ...
Google Chrome 20
20.0.1132.57 freeware download... masquerades as someone else to trick you into sharing personal or other sensitive information with them, usually through a fake website. Malware, on the other ...
Digg Digg
5.2.2 freeware downloadDigg Digg is one of the most popular sharing plugins for WordPress blogs with over 330,000 downloads ... gives you lots of other options to add sharing buttons to your site. Features Display ...
Timeline Maker Viewer freeware download... Maker Viewer is the perfect tool for easily sharing your Timeline Maker files. Use the free Timeline ... combined with Timeline Maker Professional’s new Package for Sharing function. Sharing PowerPoint presentations just got easier. ...
2.6 freeware download... Backup install apps back to .ipa packages for sharing and reinstallation. Uninstall/Install apps in batch easily. iOS App Manager One-step Batch uninstall/install App ...
Focusky Free Video Presentation Software
4.8.0 freeware download... you view and share HD content other than sharing presentations in real-time. There is no need to be worry about sharing presentation files over Focusky network. This cross-platform software ...
PicaJet Photo Organizer
2.6.5 freeware download... the interface is arranged well, making navigation simple. Sharing is easy too PicaJet has Free Fotki and ... competitors. With its high speed, batching capabilities, and sharing options, consider PicaJet if you are cataloging thousands ...
Microsoft Messenger for Mac
8.0.1 freeware download... users can communicate or collaborate on the fly, sharing instant messages, presence information, or files across time ... you’re available to chat. File and Photo Sharing Messenger for Mac 8 enables you to share, ...
Blink Cocoa for Mac OS X
0.23.2 freeware download... using MSRP protocol and its relay extension, desktop sharing using VNC protocol, publication and subscription for rich ... Server-side Storage (XCAP) * Buddylist Syncronization Desktop Sharing # Help Family Remotely # Collaboration at Work ...
Blink Qt for Linux
0.2.7 freeware download... using MSRP protocol and its relay extension, desktop sharing using VNC protocol, publication and subscription for rich ... Server-side Storage (XCAP) * Buddylist Syncronization Desktop Sharing # Help Family Remotely # Collaboration at Work ...
Blink Qt for Windows
3.2.0 freeware download... using MSRP protocol and its relay extension, desktop sharing using VNC protocol, publication and subscription for rich ... Server-side Storage (XCAP) * Buddylist Syncronization Desktop Sharing # Help Family Remotely # Collaboration at Work ...
19 freeware download... Anyone nearby can surf the Internet through your sharing. This is also an ideal solution for setting ... the use of certain Internet services (e.g. file sharing programs) or block the use of social media ...
Giggitus Instant messaging
1.3.2 freeware download... while you chat Liven up your chats by sharing photos, watching videos, or just have a video ... when they sign in again. Photo and video sharing Show photos and videos over a Giggitus Messenger. ...
Visions freeware download... share your favorites through e-mail, prints and online sharing websites and much more, all in a cool ... photo in Visions photo editor directly from the Sharing panel, make your changes and upload it back ...
8.6 freeware download... more specialized software when needed. Collaboration and sharing are made easy with DS9's support for remote ... across different locations, facilitating seamless collaboration and data sharing. Moreover, DS9 is highly customizable, with support ...
Syncbox for Mac freeware download... or family memories at home. Simple sharing and collaboration Sharing Function to public and team members is built ...
Syncbox for Linux freeware download... or family memories at home. Simple sharing and collaboration Sharing Function to public and team members is built ...