equation 3 0 freeware downloads
LaTex Equation Editor
1.01 freeware downloadA LaTeX equation editor for Windows with OLE Server capabilities. ...
Math ActiveX
1.1 freeware downloadThe element calculates determinants, linear equation systems and generates matrices. It provides additional basic functionality like faculty, subdeterminant and matrix reduction calculations. Further more an ...
0.92 freeware downloadMathCast is an equation editor, an application that allows you to input mathematical equations. These equations can be used in written documents and webpages. The equations can be rendered graphically to the screen, to ...
1.0 freeware download... eigenenergies and eigenfunctions for the time independent Schrödinger equation in one dimension. The application uses REALbasic's RbScript, so almost any potential energy function can be ...
EnergyRB for Mac OS X
1.0 freeware download... eigenenergies and eigenfunctions for the time independent Schrödinger equation in one dimension. The application uses REALbasic's RbScript, so almost any potential energy function can be ...
EnergyRB for Linux
1.0 freeware download... eigenenergies and eigenfunctions for the time independent Schrödinger equation in one dimension. The application uses REALbasic's RbScript, so almost any potential energy function can be ...
Engineer General Tools
1.2 freeware downloadEngineer General Tools contains equation calculations, unit conversions and chemistry information for over ... handy tool for calculations,conversions and reference. Solve standard equations in the following categories of Physics, Electrical Engineering, ...
1.0.10 Beta freeware download... black box solver for nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations. WDSolve is based on the Wave Digital method, leading to explicit finite difference schemes with superior ...
Alternate Math Solver
2.010 freeware downloadThis program offers the opportunity to solve equations that contain a variable X towards this variable. The resulting equation will look like X=... Example for an ...
6.711 freeware downloadODEcalc for Windows: An Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Calculator! State your equation and boundary or initial value conditions and it ... solving practical ODEs. ODE and algebraic system of equations may be solved using the methodology in this ...
2.3.1 freeware download... so no convert button is required .:. Includes equation editor to add your own custom units .:. Allows you to select/unselect the conversion file(s) .:. ...
1.070 freeware downloadIn the summer 2003 I discovered the world of sundials and quick found that the community of sundial maker is the next great community after the ...
Advanced Trigonometry Calculator Portable
2.1.5 freeware download... Abbreviations creation, for easier ".txt" files processing. Solve equations systems with complex numbers (a+bi) Stopwatch Timer Answering ... later use in the scripting feature Solve quadratic equations. a, b and c can be complex numbers. ...
Advanced Trigonometry Calculator
2.1.5 freeware download... Abbreviations creation, for easier ".txt" files processing. Solve equations systems with complex numbers (a+bi) Stopwatch Timer Answering ... later use in the scripting feature Solve quadratic equations. a, b and c can be complex numbers. ...
Sicyon calculator
5.8 freeware download... and Sicyon objects; plot/tabulate a function; solve an equation, minimums, maximums and definite integral of a function; fit a function over data set; sophisticated units ...
Kalkules freeware downloadKalkules is an universal scientific freeware calculator with an amount of untraditional functions, which can be used particularly by high school or university students. It also ...
Portable Kalkules freeware downloadKalkules is an universal scientific freeware calculator with an amount of untraditional functions, which can be used particularly by high school or university students. It also ...
SSuite Axcel Professional Spreadsheet freeware downloadSSuite Axcel is a professional, very useful, and practical spreadsheet application for everyday use at home or the office, and it's also absolutely and completely free! ...
1.2 freeware download... very few researchers using multiple regression or structural equation modeling techniques do investigate for the presence of ... the interaction simply by examining the resulting regression equation, a common way to get an intuitive feel ...
2.91 freeware downloadAsymptote, developed by John Bowman, is a sophisticated vector graphics language designed for creating high-quality technical illustrations. This powerful tool stands out in the realm of ...
GeoGebra Portable
6.0.878.0 freeware download... manipulate geometric shapes, plot functions, and explore algebraic equations, all within an intuitive graphical interface. The dynamic nature of the software allows for real-time interaction, ...
1.6.1 freeware downloadYACAS is an easy to use, general purpose Computer Algebra System, a program for symbolic manipulation of mathematical expressions. It uses its own programming language designed ...
SolveDiffEq freeware download... application which allows you to numerically solve differential equations and evaluate definite integrals of your choosing. ... SolveDiffEq can solve any number of coupled differential equations of the form dx(0)/dt = f(0)(t, x(0), ...
SolveDiffEq for Mac freeware download... application which allows you to numerically solve differential equations and evaluate definite integrals of your choosing. ... SolveDiffEq can solve any number of coupled differential equations of the form dx(0)/dt = f(0)(t, x(0), ...
SolveDiffEq for Linux freeware download... application which allows you to numerically solve differential equations and evaluate definite integrals of your choosing. ... SolveDiffEq can solve any number of coupled differential equations of the form dx(0)/dt = f(0)(t, x(0), ...