email. send freeware downloads
DreamMail freeware download... other e-mail protocol. DreamMail is real multi-threaded high-speed send and receive mail. With enhanced remote management, ... filter spots spams through all your mails and send them to SPAM box. Miscellaneous protocols management: ...
SecureEmail for Outlook 2010
1.0 freeware downloadSecurely send emails to others on your corporate network or ... the latest encryption algorithms and technology. Only the sender and recipient can decrypt and read an email ...
Auto Mail Sender
18.4 freeware downloadAuto Mail Sender™ Standard Edition (AMSSE) is a powerful and easy-to-use eMail sender & scheduler, you can use it to send eMails automatically at anytime and any frequency as ...
115.12.2 freeware download... be set up automatically for you ready to send and receive. Improved Interface We’re always ... reminds you to add an attachment before hitting send. Customize Your Email Experience - Add-ons Manager ...
TrulyMail Client
6.0.2 freeware download... know and trust ever get the chance to send you messages so you no longer have to ... emails' or spam. · You know then sender of the message is the real sender - ...
Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop
7.3.3 freeware download... email even when you are not online-messages you send are saved in the "Outbox" and are sent when you connect again * Supports any POP ...
3.83 freeware download... a white list. With Koma-Mail you can send and receive mails, encrypted via SSL, through POP3, ... Displays HTML Mails HTML-Editor for composing Sends and receives mail with inline images Zips ...
Koma-Mail Portable
3.82 freeware download... a white list. With Koma-Mail you can send and receive mails, encrypted via SSL, through POP3, ... Displays HTML Mails HTML-Editor for composing Sends and receives mail with inline images Zips ...
Gmail Compose
1.0 freeware download... easy to use and comprehensive application designed for sending e-mail messages from Gmail without accessing the Gmail website. In order to send an email, you simply have to supply the ...
BulkSender Professional
2.4.2 freeware download... exposure to your busines, Bulksendet allows you to send hundreds of thousands of emails just in few mouse clicks,get your copy now and send your email newsletters, targeted email campaigns, BulkSender can ...
3.2 freeware downloadDropSend was created specifically to securely send and receive large files over the Internet. It ... drag and drop the files you want to send. It's as easy as that, a couple of ...
0.9 freeware downloadMailReactor is a free tool to send one e-mail to a number of e-mail addresses. It can be used to send e-mail to all people who have applied to ...
Newsletter emails
1.1 freeware download... software. Campaign doesn't need expensive web-based solutions to send newsletters. How to create a newsletter with Newsletter ... in html format Guide for better bulk email sending You feel you are not reaching enough recipients? ...
Opera Mail
1.0 Build 1044 freeware download... configuration is complete you'll immediately be able to send and receive messages. Opera Mail works a little differently to other email clients in some ...
Mailrelay emailmarketing
1.0 freeware download... this system, you will have technical support, to send newsletters using the online panel or an smtp ... launcher, you can create your online account and send free email marketing campaigns. This free account offers ...
2.0.22 freeware download... with a Built-In SMTP Server. Duplicate address removal, send alternative HTML and Text formats, allows attachments and ... HTML and Text alternative all within the same email.. Command Line support for sending Email Campaigns. Supports ...
Marketing Mail Master
1.2 freeware download... to different Internet Service Providers in different countries. Send newsletters and mass e-mails to your customers. MMM is an email utility that lets you send anonymous emails from any email address to any ...
2.0 freeware downloadSend SMTP emails from the command line. Attachments, HTML. Example: SMTPMAIL.EXE from=email to=email body="Hello World!" subject=Example ...
3.5 freeware download... Typically taking only a second or two. Mail sends and receives go as fast as your net connection allows. No needless waiting around for things ...
i.Scribe for Mac and Linux
3.5 freeware download... Typically taking only a second or two. Mail sends and receives go as fast as your net connection allows. No needless waiting around for things ...
DetachPipe Free
8.0 freeware download... more space! Unsafe attachments are automatically renamed on send, and a recovery note for the recipient is added to the email. Links can be updated if you move the ...
1.0 freeware downloadMammail is a light weight application to check your mails. It is meant for those who use such mail clients definitely know that these programs have ...
4.0.8 freeware download... (email) and calendar program that allows you to send, access and manage email and calendar data. Mulberry also helps you manage contact information used ...
EMMR Massive Emailer
1.0.1 freeware download... customizable .NET software that can be used to send mass emails/newsletter to customers in order to increase ... .NET Framework 4.0. FEATURES: · Support sending from multiple SMTP servers · Send emails in ...
Mass Mailing News Free Edition freeware download... mass email marketing program and a bulk emailing sender. This bulk email software is one of the ... Build your own opt-in contact lists, create and send email campaigns in just minutes. It's never been ...