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5.5.5 freeware download... Hodgson, is a versatile and highly efficient text editor designed for programmers and developers who demand precision ... but not limited to C++, Python, Java, and HTML. The syntax highlighting is not only visually appealing ...
8.7.8 freeware download... a powerful and versatile text and source code editor that has garnered a loyal following among programmers, ... extend its functionality, allowing users to tailor the editor to their specific needs. ### Rich Feature ...
2.1 freeware download... and Web pages. This software does not require HTML knowledge. You can create Java-animated Web pages featuring ... includes ready-to-use templates, textures, clip art, a WYSIWYG HTML editor, a spelling checker, built-in batch-image editing, thumbnail ...
3.2.14 freeware download... word processor (or more precisely, a rich text editor), designed to make writing convenient, efficient and comfortable. ... is Open Source, fully Cocoa, and is available free of charge! MS Word, OpenOffice, etc. try to ...
Notepad++ Portable
8.7.8 freeware download... a versatile and powerful text and source code editor that caters to both casual users and professional ... of mobility, allowing users to carry their favorite editor on a USB drive and use it on ...
11.4.7 freeware downloadW3C's Editor/Browser Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update ... single, consistent environment. Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time ...
Zeta Producer Desktop CMS
16.8.6 freeware downloadMake your own website for FREE with professional website builder CMS. Zeta Producer enables ... basis. Zeta Producer is available both as a free version and as a full version for $136 ...
1.49 B204 freeware downloadRSSme is free, lightweight and user-friendly RSS editor. Support creation and editor of RSS feeds. Implements visual and user-friendly editor of posts. Key features: Simple creation and ...
7.2.8 freeware download... that provides full-featured screen capture tool, intuitive image editor, color picker, color palette, pixel ruler, protractor, crosshair ... until needed. This software is provided as freeware for only personal use. In this case, you ...
CodeLobster PHP Edition
5.15 freeware downloadCodeLobster PHP Edition is a free portable handy and easy-in-use code editor that is primarily intended for quick and easy creation and editing of PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript files with support Drupal, Joomla, Smarty, ...
4.2.25 freeware download... follow this principle, being a fast, small and free text editor with syntax highlighting for HTML and other common languages. Features: Customizable syntax highlighting: · HTML, JavaScript, VBScript, ASP, PHP, CSS, Perl/CGI · C/C++, ...
Notepad2 64-bit
4.2.25 freeware download... follow this principle, being a fast, small and free text editor with syntax highlighting for HTML and other common languages. Features: Customizable syntax highlighting: · HTML, JavaScript, VBScript, ASP, PHP, CSS, Perl/CGI · C/C++, ...
CodeLobster IDE
2.6.0 freeware downloadCodeLobster IDE is a smart free cross-platform IDE primarily intended for creating and editing PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript files with support Drupal CMS, Joomla ... of methods, Help on API. It turns the editor into a full-featured IDE. ...
CodeLobster IDE for Mac OS
2.6.0 freeware downloadCodeLobster IDE is a smart free cross-platform IDE primarily intended for creating and editing PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript files with support Drupal CMS, Joomla ... of methods, Help on API. It turns the editor into a full-featured IDE. ...
CodeLobster IDE for Linux
2.6.0 freeware downloadCodeLobster IDE is a smart free cross-platform IDE primarily intended for creating and editing PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript files with support Drupal CMS, Joomla ... of methods, Help on API. It turns the editor into a full-featured IDE. ...
Code Writer freeware downloadCode Writer is a free text and code editor app for the Windows 8/10 platform, downloadable from ... Over 20 syntax-highlighted file types supported including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, C#, VB, C++, ASP, PHP, ...
1.0.2 freeware download... has some renderers for JavaScript (PIXI Engine, Generic HTML) and for C# (Unity, C# Generic). For example, if you use PIXI on your projects, you ...
TeXmacs for Linux freeware downloadGNU TeXmacs is a free wysiwyw (what you see is what you want) ... a laptop. The software includes a text editor with support for mathematical formulas, a small technical ...
TeXmacs for Mac OS X freeware downloadGNU TeXmacs is a free wysiwyw (what you see is what you want) ... a laptop. The software includes a text editor with support for mathematical formulas, a small technical ...
TeXmacs for Windows freeware downloadGNU TeXmacs is a free wysiwyw (what you see is what you want) ... a laptop. The software includes a text editor with support for mathematical formulas, a small technical ...
0.54 freeware downloadQfsm is a graphical editor for finite state machines written in C++ using ... and PNG * State table export in Latex, HTML and plain text format * Ragel file export ...
BowPad Portable
2.9.4 freeware download... Stefan Küng, is a versatile and lightweight text editor designed to cater to the needs of both ... support for syntax highlighting in languages such as HTML, XML, and Markdown is particularly beneficial. The software ...
2.031 freeware download... Zimmermann, is a sophisticated and robust Windows Registry editor designed for both novice users and seasoned IT ... the standard capabilities expected from a high-quality registry editor, including the ability to view, edit, and manage ...
Mobirise freeware downloadMobirise is a free offline app for Windows and Mac to easily ... interface; Mobile-friendliness, latest website blocks and techniques "out-the-box"; Free for commercial and non-profit use. Drag blocks ...
Portable SeaMonkey
2.53.19 freeware download... combines a web browser, email and newsgroup client, HTML editor, IRC chat, and web development tools into a ... For web developers, Portable SeaMonkey provides an integrated HTML editor known as Composer. This WYSIWYG (What You ...